DUI Lawyer – DUI Attorney
DUI Lawyer deals with Driving Under the Influence charges, which is a serious offense and if you have been charged with a DUI or driving drunk you should seek legal help at once from a competent attorney familiar with these cases.
As time goes along, Canadian Provinces and US States enact stronger DUI laws and more severe drunk driving penalties.
- You could lose your driver’s license
- You could be placed in jail and fines of substantial fees.
- Your license and car insurance rates may rise
- You could end up with a criminal conviction on your record that could impact your future and your employment opportunities.
Right now in British Columbia, Canada there is a bill in the works to confiscate your car and sell it on conviction.
Common sense says that hiring a DUI defense attorney or DUI lawyer who focuses on DUI defense could make a difference in the outcome of your predicament.
My own Personal experience with working with folks charged with DUI need to have some help.
Drunk Drivers Causing Death
If you have caused a death tragedy is the only word for it!
Where can you go, you are the worst of the worst, a drunk driver that causes death to an innocent individual?
Although it never really takes the sting out of the reality of being a drunk driver it does seem to be an honorable activity to try to shed some light along the tumultuous path of the unfortunate soul who will be forever having a changed life.
Tips for Drunk Drivers Causing Death
- Obtain effective help for yourself and the root causes of your problem.
- If you can have someone objective and non involved like a minister or priest, send flowers to the funeral on your behalf.
- I have dealt with many people on both sides of the fence and usually the victim’s family are horrified when the drunk driver expresses no remorse.
- Your DUI lawyer will, of course, tell you how to do this without prejudicing your case.
- Find a way to be humble and do some service to your fellows.
- Always consult with your DUI lawyer or spiritual advisor before contacting family of the victim.
- Make your apologies to the victim somehow, bring flowers to the grave, write a poem in honor of, or do something nice for someone without them knowing it to try to make up the debt in some small way. .
Check out our Booklet of Help for Drunk Drivers

Drunk Driving Recovery Workbooks |
The Dean of Addictionz
Working the Solution with Multiple and Addicts of all types
- 36 Years Personal Recovery Experience in several Self Help Programs
- Addiction Recovery Outreach Trustee, NW Region Webmaster, Newsletter Editor and contributor for various Recovery Associations Publications
- Published in several major recovery publications: AA Grapevine, Al-Anon Forum, Overeaters Anonymous “Voices of Recovery” and “Lifeline”, Gamblers Anonymous “Bulletin” &”Toastmaster” Magazine
- This AddictionZ.com website is featured in Melody Beattie’s current “Codependent no More Workbook”
- Over 45 years successful contracting business experience working with over 2000 employees and Penitentiary halfway house temporary staff.
- Sponsoring many recovering multiple addicts with long-term good results
- Recovery weekend workshop leader in Western Canada & US Pacific NW
- Author “You Can’t Unscrew Somebody Workbook” for relationship makeovers
- Author “Sex Inventory Workbook” for sex issues
- Author “Drunk Driving Workbook” for safety
- Author “Breaking The Cycle of Gambling Addiction” arrest the money drain!
- Author “Breaking the Cycle of Compulsive Overeating” get healthy!
Here is a thought!
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Have a great One Day at a Time! Dean 🙂
One of my friends now needs a lawyer after getting in trouble when she caused an accident. I agree with your point about how hiring an attorney can make a difference in the outcome of her court ruling. I’m certain that the person she hit is still alive, but she deserves less of a severe sentence. I’ll have to help her find a good lawyer so that she can get a sentence that isn’t too severe. Thanks for the tips!