Gambler Workbook for Gambling Addiction
A gambler often asks this question – Is gambling a sin?
Putting aside any religious ideals or differences aside for a moment, I suppose in the strict #3 definition of the word – sin – as found in it is :
Sin - any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, great fault or offense:
One of the biggest problems I have encountered with a gambler trying to stop gambling is that unlike other addicts who are dulled off and medicated a reforming gambler is wide awake and sharp as a tack! Which is why I wrote this little workbook to have something daily to do!
In case you are wondering – I personally have close to 30 years of recovery and abstinence from compulsive gambling. I actually came by the habit quite honestly because as a child i had asthma and could not play sports so my uncles and family members taught me how to gamble which I loved due to the adrenalin aspect which actually medicates asthma.. go figure.
Anyway I wrote this book in 2001 and it has seen many successes as one tool in the toolbox of a recovering gambler!
Breaking The Cycle of Gambling Addiction

Temporarily Unavailable.
Note: If you truly can’t afford this book but think you may benefit from it leave me a nice comment in the area below with your email and I’ll send you a copy.
You can pay me later with the money you save by not gambling!
The Dean of Addictionz
Working the Solution with Multiple and Addicts of all types
- 36 Years Personal Recovery Experience in several Self Help Programs
- Addiction Recovery Outreach Trustee, NW Region Webmaster, Newsletter Editor and contribute for various Recovery Associations Publications
- Published in several major recovery publications: AA Grapevine, Al-Anon Forum, Overeaters Anonymous “Voices of Recovery” and “Lifeline”, Gamblers Anonymous “Bulletin” &”Toastmaster” Magazine
- This website is featured in Melody Beattie’s current “Codependent no More Workbook”
- Over 45 years successful contracting business experience working with over 2000 employees and Penitentiary halfway house temporary staff.
- Sponsoring many recovering multiple addicts with long-term good results
- Recovery weekend workshop leader in Western Canada & US Pacific NW
- Author “You Can’t Unscrew Somebody Workbook” for relationship makeovers
- Author “Sex Inventory Workbook” for sex issues
- Author “Drunk Driving Workbook” for safety
- Author “Breaking The Cycle of Gambling Addiction” arrest the money drain!
- Author “Breaking the Cycle of Compulsive Overeating” get healthy!
Here is a thought!
Why don’t you book your sober recovery style vacation with us in beautiful downtown Victoria BC Canada at our Gingerbread Cottage Bed and Breakfast. Over the years we have had lots of therapists, recovering addicts and health professionals stay at our idyllic B&B steps from the Salish Sea. Oh and we have gourmet breakfasts too! Vanessa makes a fantastic Austrian Apple Strudel! see more on our B&B website…
Please leave your comments below, and I will be sure to answer them. If you want one of the publications but truly cannot afford it leave a comment with your email address and I’ll send you a free one…
This website is about recovery – not making money – but it wouldn’t hurt to pay a few web hosting charges if you decided to visit one of the sponsors ads… I have kept outside ads to a minimum so it’s not so frustrating to read. Hate those pages with an ad between every paragraph.
Have a great One Day at a Time! Dean 🙂