discworld librarian quotes

That’s the start and finish of it. It had never let her down. "That is so", said Ponder, "but I'm afraid that is because, "Don't be smart. "What if it's just a thousand-to-one chance?" “Is there a god of policemen?”, No one remembers the singer. In theory he was already everywhere, waiting for almost anything else. Stacked with all the latest monkey accessories... (Gets whacked on the head by the Librarian) Did you get the number of that donkey cart? There was this about vampires; they could never look scruffy. It was its own kind of magic. You never know what’s catching you up. It is impossible to live nearer the ground without being under it. Perhaps he just lay in bed reading. Somehow, you could tell it was made up by a troll: After the door had shut one of the watchmen looked up from the desk where he’d been wrestling with a report and the effort of writing down, as policeman do, what ought to have happened. He doesn’t want to earn them, he doesn’t want to grow into them or learn the hard way how to use them. Keep out of trouble and don’t get involved, that was the important thing. Discworld Plushies! No. She assumed that anything written down was probably a lie, and that applied to numbers, too. I’m Surprised At You, Maurice. They sold the key to the universe to people who didn’t even know it was locked. (p. 339), “Look at it like this,” said Sacharissa, starting a fresh page. (p. 140), “Anyway,” Cohen went on, “it dunt matter if someone. The frantic wizard heaved a charred roof beam aside, scrabbled through a drift of fallen tiles and peered down. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a policeman taking a holiday would barely have had time to open his suitcase before he finds his first corpse. Now, that’s what. She's got pots of money, sarge says, she's got no call livin' in ordinary rooms. "But there are causes worth dying for," said Butterfly. said Mrs. Gogol. Whatever it was, they had done it, sometimes more than once. Like petty criminals everywhere, the watchmen prided themselves that there were some depths to which they would not sink. Really small. A Terry Pratchett / Discworld Web Site. Centuries and centuries of pointlessness. (pp. 'I try not to judge from first impressions, but I definitely think he's up to no good. he ventured. ", "Honestly, some people. “Yes, it costs a lot of money to look as cheap as this, Sergeant,“ she said, catching his expression. (p. 315), It's a mistake trying to cheer up camels. "All holy piety in public, and all peeled grapes and self-indulgence in private." *, “It was the way he wore the place. Art. Thousands of dollars in a day! "Atheism Is Also A Religious Position," Dorfl rumbled. The series began in 1983 with The Colour of Magic and continued until the final novel The Shepherd's Crown, which was published in 2015, following Pratchett's death. 362-363), For the serious empire-builder there was no such thing as a final frontier. "Where did you say your business was?" The Library didn't only contain magical books, the ones which are chained to their shelves and are very dangerous. We’ll be hungry then. "... a number of offences of murder by means of a blunt instrument, to whit, a dragon, and many further offenses of generalized abetting to be more specifically ascertained later. Grace. What is so surprising about bacon? Head Librarian: “Our oxen wandered off, and alas, the snow’s too deep to walk through.” Rob Anybody: “Aye. (p. 105), “I’ve got a question. “Granny was certainly not telling the truth,” said Agnes. You just perpetrated amusing little peccadilloes. It wasn't a large village, and wouldn't have shown up on a map of the mountains. No matter what your skills, there was a place for you in the Citadel. (p. 131), Bill Door made the mistake millions of people had tried before with small children in slightly similar circumstances. 'My father always said that it was pointless to undertake a direct attack against an enemy extensively armed with efficient projectile weapons,' she said. This page was last edited on 23 April 2021, at 03:11. Or: Yes, there is, but it's not what you think? When the last life crawls under freezing stars, there will I be. Join 1,295 other followers Email Address: Follow . They had exactly the amount of intellect required to hit people and drag them off to the scorpion pit. This explains why it is important to shoot missionaries on sight. You must refrain from dying in battle. (p. 97), The wise man does not seek enlightenment, he waits for it. Somehow I don’t think the Baron would have a clue how to deal with this. (p. 303), She had a number of stoutly-held views on a variety of subjects, but most of them involved the flaying alive of people she disapproved of. It was music with its sleeves rolled up and its top button undone, raising its hat and grinning and stealing the silver. We’re not very experienced at this, so I hope we don’t get it wrong. he said. They think of life as a stain on the universe. Do you want to live forever?". (p. 229), "Madam, we're wizards," said the Senior Wrangler. A proper human being would have shown respect and quietly walked away. "There must be a hundred silver dollars in here," moaned Boggis, waving a purse. It was like being attacked by damp tissue. (p. 147), He'd looked death in the face many times, or more precisely Death had looked him in the back of his rapidly retreating head many times, and suddenly the prospect of living forever didn't appeal. (p. 221), From; that was the most important factor in any mindless escape. It was one of the few jobs a known lady could do. She did, eventually, find a staircase that went up (unless, of course, you started at the top). It's more interesting, and doesn't take so long. Try intelligence. On average, considered over the lifetime of the multiverse, most things didn't. Too many lies and there’s no truth to go back to. It was hard to look at the assembled ranks of the Nac Mac Feegle and remember that they were, technically, fairies. Her parents had sent her there for that very reason. Duty. Mighty were his dominions and magnificent was his word. One reason for the bustle was that over large parts of the continent other people preferred to make money without working at all, and since the Disc had yet to develop a music recording industry they were forced to fall back on older, more traditional forms of banditry. (p. 368), The king's all for it. He was suddenly aware that he had made some lifelong enemies, and it was no consolation to know that he probably wouldn't have them for very long. They’d saved the city with gold more easily, at that point, than any hero could have managed with steel. This is despite his role as part of the supporting cast, but then one of the features of the series is the success of the minor characters: the members of the Faculty, the beggars, the Death of Rats, for example. 27 February 2017. ", "Whole new theories of money were growing here like mushrooms, in the dark and based on bullshit. (pp. When Mrs. Whitlow was in the grip of acute class consciousness she could create aitches where nature never intended them to be. (p. 353), It's an animal. "That's what you call metaphor," said Rincewind. This is a quality you should always pray for in your would-be murderer. ", "I have to ask, sir...Why does it have to be done like this? I ATEN'T DED ... Discworld Lords and Ladies Terry Pratchett quotes quote Ponder Stibbons the librarian “But look,” said Ponder, “the graveyeards are full of people who rushed in bravely but unwisely.” — Lords and Ladies, T. Pratchett. (p. 281), On the whole, Colon reflected, it was just possible that the worst moment of his life hadn't happened yet. ", "I don't care to drink with them as grinds the faces of the poor! aka Mortality Bites! ", In the dim light she could see Granny's face which seemed to be suggesting that if Magrat was at her wit's end, it was a short stroll. The Ankh-Morpork Central Post Office had a gaunt frontage. Magrat says a broomstick is one of them sexual metaphor things. (p. 242), Windle shook his head sadly. He felt a bit sorry that he’d pointed out the mistake. This is considered a reliable barometer of the state of one's piety in most of the really popular religions. Wisdom is one of the few things that looks bigger the further away it is. ", (When examining the shelves) "It's hard to keep staff in this place, hard to keep them human anyway. She went straight from fast asleep to instant operation on all six cylinders. In the entire world of mathematics there could be no denominator as common as Nobby. You couldn’t say “we’re the good guys” and do bad-guy things. But not for the obvious reason. “Cultural” sort of solved problems by explaining that they weren’t really there. (p. 82), "I mean I can't help it! And thousands of men who might have quite liked one another had they met socially would thunder toward one another and start killing, and after that first rush you had all the excuses you needed to do it again and again… (pp. (p. 142), Never sick himself, he tended to the belief that sickness in other people was caused by sloppy thinking. (p. 159), He said that there was death and taxes, and taxes was worse, because at least death didn't happen to you every year. This meant most people under the age of thirty-five, to start with. “Time has stopped for everyone but you,” said Sweeper patiently. "Ook!" That was why everyone had been so dead set against any form of fire brigade, reasoning—with impeccable Ankh-Morpork logic—that any bunch of men who were paid to put out fires would naturally see to it that there was a plentiful supply of fires to be put out. The darkness behind the eyes, where the little voice is, and everything else. It's got obedience. (p. 181), She had a very straightforward view of foreign parts, or at least those more distant than her sister’s house in Quirm where she spent a week’s holiday every year. (p. 40). With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince. It's unreliable levers that are the problem. It's all down to context, you see." ", (when examining a doorway) "Ah. That’s what prayers are...it’s frightened people trying to make friends with the bully! He was determined to discover the underlying logic behind the universe... which was going to be hard, because there wasn't one. (p. 187), The young man is also an idealist. The title, in impressively flickering red letters, was. He was actually in his study, talking to Mort. You could only add to it. Most husbands can. Not auditors of money. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it all out yourself from the clues. And so, the children of the revolution were faced with the age-old problem: it wasn’t that you had the wrong kind of government, which was obvious, but that you had the wrong kind of people. Rincewind: May I take a book from the library please? Skazz: Ah, I don't think we have any of that in stock. (p. 274). There were a lot of bones on the bottom. (p. 49), The hippo of recollection stirred in the muddy waters of the mind. He turns people into things like himself. It's a fact as immutable as the Third Law of Sod that there is no such thing as a good Grand Vizier. (p. 49), It was all very pretty, the cards were colored like little pasteboard jewels, and they had interesting names. Just because something is a metaphor doesn't mean it can't be real. ", Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life. It also contained perfectly ordinary books, printed on commonplace paper in mundane ink. The job carried a pension, and attracted a cautious, thoughtful kind of man. Suffice it to say that being the goddess of Misunderstanding she wasn't especially popular and it didn't take much to prevent her from being invited to weddings, which didn't please Errata at all, and so she devised a cunning plan to take vengeance. There is no mercy but us. She was as much woman as you could get in one place without getting two women. Terry Pratchett's extraordinary orangutan is produced in a beautiful copper finish & presented in a gift box. You gave a god its shape, like a jelly fills a mold. She had buried three husbands, and at least two of them had already been dead. (p. 78), The little flickering part of his brain that was still sparking coherent thought through the fog of mind-numbing terror that filled Colon’s head was telling him that he was so far out of his depth that the fish had lights on their noses. Discworld Plushies! And if that wasn't bad enough, it's also a bloody great hot flying thing. (p. 48), But...if you put aside for the moment the certainty that something would definitely go horribly wrong, it looked foolproof. You are concerned citizens.” He knew about, Be careful. (p. 5), There was a thoughtful pause in the conversation as the assembled Brethren mentally divided the universe into the deserving and the undeserving, and put themselves on the appropriate side. (p. 23), A military career somewhere was unlikely. Very well, then. ", In all, I've had seventeen demands for your badge. 211-212), “I have, myself, prayed many times on the field of battle. One is that, while all important enterprises need careful organization, it is the organization that needs organizing, rather than the enterprise. Her left bosom is nearly uncovered, eh? ", The footman, recognizing instantly the boundless bad manners of the well-bred, backed away quickly. There were the clouds, but clouds drifted away. People’s whole lives. Nov 24, 2015 - Sir Terry Pratchett's wise words. "Why is it happening to us? Life wasn’t easy, she said. (p. 426), Putting up a statue to someone who tried to, Besides, the intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it. she screamed. It showed that someone had been battering it. Maybe you could toss some food in every couple of days, or maybe you could leave ’em to do what they’d always done, which was live off other people… (p. 335), “Do you want to know what happened next, sir?”. Expecting Dibbler not to think about anything concerning money was like expecting rocks not to think about gravity. At the center there is truth. It's their brain, after all, and society can have no claim on it, providing they're not operating heavy machinery at the time.". (p. 311). So they didn't. I'm entirely self-taught. (p. 152). Death: I'm about to have a chunder in a minute. Your power is only rumour and lies, she thought. It was for the other one, the little lesson that life sometimes rams home with a stick: you are not the only one watching the world, other people are also people, while you watch them they watch you, and they think about you while you think about them. But she liked her. Should be marble. Lord, what can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the reaper man? Living this long’s not as wonderful as people think. You grab a sharp sword by the blade, you get hurt. There they were, the lineages, the books of heraldic minutiae, the Who's Whom of the centuries, the stockbooks of the city. After all, the Watch had to work twice as hard to cut crime just a little, whereas all the Guild had to do was to work less. That was why Esme disliked it, she reckoned. But I've never woken up dead before. At the back of his mind a bad feeling began to grow. Tiffany had to stop herself from saying ‘The sky is green’ just to see how long it would take for Petulia to agree. ", The speaker was Duke Vassenego, one of the oldest demons. I am not sure there is such a thing as right. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape. Granny Weatherwax had never heard of psychiatry and would have had no truck with it even if she had. (p. 26), Some things are fairly obvious when it's a seven-foot skeleton with a scythe telling you them. They were only two letters apart, for one thing. "Look, I'll be frank," he said. (p. 288), Although it was against the thread, Deacon Cusp had his head screwed on. "Seems to me...seems to me...look, death must be going on, right? But, you never knew…this time it might. Unfortunately, it was his. "I want to be a eunuch, sir," Eric added. Any contradictory evidence could be safely ignored. "Haven't you got any romance in your soul?" Albert grunted. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. He felt the sensation of the dragon rummaging around in his mind, trying to find a clue to understanding. Just when you knew you had it cornered, it turned out to be something else—coincidence, maybe, or providence. There’s no future in it. 348-349). ", "'Tis not right, a woman going into such places by herself. "The trouble is," he said, "is that things, He also appeared to have changed the course of history, although this is impossible since the only thing you can do to the course of history is facilitate it. (p. 97), The Death of Rats contrived to indicate, quite effectively, that in that case they could apply to the universe and point out that they didn't deserve to die. He was found and freed by the Reverend Mightily Oats from the village in Uberwald where he was chained for seven years to an anvil in a forge. Royalty, when they marry, either get very small things, like exquisitely constructed clockwork eggs, or large bulky items, like duchesses. ", After all, Ankh-Morpork itself was generally considered as wicked a city as you could hope to find in a year of shore leaves, and seemed to have avoided any kind of supernatural vengeance, although it was always possible that it had taken place and no one had noticed. A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. (p. 354), Can I have another beer? "You're wrong, of course. "I still know that you can't truly be Om. When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary. “It’s odd,” said Peaches, “but we didn’t know the shadows were there until we had the light.”, “Keith is not a promising name start,” said Malicia. "You know what the greatest tragedy in the whole world is?" (p. 43), Everything that exists, yearns to live. Was that a proper reward for being a firm believer in reincarnation for almost 130 years? Any highwayman demanding "Your money or your life" had better bring a folding chair and packed lunch and a book to read while the debate goes on. In fact, whomsoever the gods wish to destroy, they first hand the equivalent of a stick with a fizzing fuse and Acme Dynamite Company written on its side. Some were young people with no money who objected to the fact that the world was run by old people who were rich. First Sight means that you can see what really is there, and Second Thoughts mean thinking about what you are thinking. (p. 5), For example, the dwarfs found out how to turn lead into gold by doing it the hard way. The span of someone's life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence. It was so easy to slip into immortality, to ride the horse, to know everything. I didn’t make it up. He just wants them. Skazz: Lets see...I think it'll take a few aeons. Discworld II (Missing presumed...?!) Don’t put your trust in revolutions. It was practically neolithic. There was a certain core of stubborn bloody-mindedness there which upset important people, and anyone who upsets important people is automatically not a good copper. "I've got to die a queen! The goal is the Theory of Everything, but Ponder would settle for the Theory of Something and, late at night, when Hex appeared to be sulking, he despaired of even a Theory of Anything. (p. 227), Lu-Tze was eight hundred years old, and that was why he was having a rest. (p. 77), Probably only one person in the world had been interested in whether the old man lived or died, and he'd been the first to know. (p. 1; opening words), "And there's the sign, Ridcully," said the Dean." ", The last rats of Brother Watchtower's self-confidence fled the sinking ship of courage. (p. 35), "We'll practice as we go along," said Glod. There was a party of well-dressed people with Gilt, and as they progressed across the room the whole place began to revolve around the big man, gold being very dense and having a gravity all of its own. Whether to be extremely cold, reach the heights of fashion and, and sniffing or to keep drawing breath and lose all fashion sense forever more.". They wouldn't exist if there weren't people to believe in them? From what he could remember, Keel had felt the same way. "I don't want to hurt you, Mistress Weatherwax," said Mrs. Gogol. UPDATE: Discworld author … All the city’s departments got inspected from time to time, Vetinari had said. It'd rot in a few hundred years. some of the most terrible things in the world are done by people who think, genuinely think, that they're doing it for the best, especially if there is some god involved. He'd walked too often down dark streets in the secret hours and felt the night stretching away, and known in his blood that while days and kings and empires come and go, the night is always the same age, always aeons deep. No one had been able to find any rule about orang-utans being barred, although they had surreptitiously looked very hard for one. The Watch were always careful not to intervene too soon in any brawl where the odds were not heavily stacked in their favour. And one is that, no matter how hard a thing is to do, once it, Most people in Lancre, as the saying goes, went to bed with the chickens and got up with the cows.‡, ‡Er. “Once we were blobs in the sea, and then fishes, and then lizards and rats and then monkeys, and hundreds of things in between. to a troll was suicide. In fact, the ideal situation for a vampire is a world in which every other vampire has been killed off and no one seriously believes in vampires anymore. (p. 269), Teatime put a comforting arm around his shoulders. These were walking slabs of muscle and they were absolutely unbribable, if only because the Patrician could outbid anyone else. Books've got to have a name on 'em so's everyone knows who's guilty. It can exist free and wild, running from ear to ear without ever touching lips. His mouth said: “Would you like to have dinner tonight?” For just the skin of a second, Miss Dearheart was surprised, but not half as surprised as Moist. “Son of a bitch!” would have been a good one. And that was Klatch, a camel in a desert. (p. 312), Magic's far too important to be used for rulin' people. "What do you think you do? But if you don’t kill him first, he’ll kill you. He is also bearing a sword presented to him in mysterious circumstances. A day ago the future had looked aching and desolate, and now it looked full of surprises and terror and bad things happening to people... A couple of ballet dancers fainted, but carefully, so as not to get their clothes dirty. It was unlikely to be an invitation to a literary lunch. “Ach, people’re always telling’ us not tae do things,” said Rob Anybody. Rust was a fool. And out of the distant echoes he would forge a Book of Vorbis, and Brutha suspected he knew what the commandments would be. Time passed, which, basically, is its job. That’s not an easy task for a teacher. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. People said things like “Quite possibly we shall never know the truth" which meant, in Vimes’s personal lexicon, “I know, or think I know what the truth is, and hope like hell it doesn’t come out, because things are all smoothed over now.“ (p. 329). said Dragon mildly. It's all the sons who become blacksmiths because their fathers were blacksmiths. A wrong question for Maurice was one that he didn’t want anyone to ask. The world's greatest lovers were undoubtedly Mellius and Gretelina, whose pure, passionate and soul-searing affair would have scorched the pages of History if they had not, because of some unexplained quirk of fate, been born two hundred years apart on different continents. (p. 256), Pers’nally, I’ve found religion in battle is as much use as a chocolate helmet. And all the stories had, somewhere, the witch. His jurisdiction is specifically the Discworld itself; he is only a part, or minion, of Azrael: the universal Death. I'll have you know the blood of Pharaohs runs in my veins! Kept turning her own nose to stone." "Have another drink, not-Corporal Nobby?" There is no more time, even for cake. So tiny that a second would be like a billion years. (pp. (p. 16), The Ramkins were more highly bred than a hilltop bakery, whereas Corporal Nobbs had been disqualified from the human race for shoving. (pp. (p. 148), Character assassination. She'd just thought the word 'systolic', and it certainly wasn't in her vocabulary. (p. 271), Om, bumping along in Brutha's pack, began to feel the acute depression that steals over every realist in the presence of an optimist. 'Only...now that the balls have gone it will simply earth itself...'. We are what people are superstitious of. No, perhaps the year after next. But I will pass through here sometimes. Be happy with what you've got, is that the idea? "Am I going to be crowned or not?" Or no fixed abode) to steal the falchion and hide it just to shut her sister up. What she spoke was one step away from gibberish but it was authentically, "Well, basically there are two sorts of opera," said Nanny, who also had the true witch's ability to be confidently expert on the basis of no experience whatsoever. Assemble the facts, digest the information, consider the implications. The Pratchett Quote File (PQF) is a collection of one-liners, catchphrases, quotes, bits of dialogue, and running gags, all culled from Terry Pratchett's novels and other writings. The God would not talk like that about His chosen ones. (p. 169), "I know about sureness," said Didactylos. What's the use of having the power if you don't wield it? Chapter 14, “Small, Like Oak Trees” (p. 361), The old ladies who spent their days glowering from their windows might spy and peeve and mumble, but they had been doing that for too long. ", "Everything is magic when you don't know what it is. So should you give them what—or what they, If you wanted to get anywhere in this world—and she'd decided, right at the start, that she wanted to get as far as it was possible to go—you wore names lightly, and you took power anywhere you found it. View source. “All right, all right, I really didn’t want to go into this, but it’s against my religion!” said Moist, who’d had time to think. The next thing is your illusions. Started off with nothing but a shepherd hearing voices in his head, ended up with two million people. (p. 290). Bodies aren't just handy things for storing your mind in. “You’re not a believer yourself, then, Mistress Weatherwax?”... Oats knelt in the mud and tried a prayer, but there was no answering voice from the sky. And, if they're said with the right passion and the gods are feeling bored, sometimes the universe will re-form itself around words like that. (p. 160), The Auditors avoided death by never going so far as to get a life. Shout out the word 'hint'?! That's one of the things that sets us apart from animals. For you, the cake is over. Certain things have to happen before other things. (p. 41), Mustrum Ridcully did a lot for rare species. Look, what do you want me to do? N'T actually invent original sin, at least two of them had already been dead inside from getting?! You ’ d had enough experience to know that you ’ re a of. Human is a huge part of the Tsortean Wars was a sort of mass-produced darkness of the spec. T dangerous! ” greebo was possibly the most discworld librarian quotes animal in the last chance saloon things. That wherever it was an outrageously ingenious bit of sensible thinking, there were a.! Away with this 342 ), `` the way he wore the place the. Past four this morning and I gather he uttered a number of threats against you my... 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