how many hours should a child be in daycare

The risk threshold goes up to 45 hours of child care a week by the time children reach 4½ years old. And not only did I never receice another penny, she never one time asked me first. The whole point of being open early and staying open later is so that parents' work schedules can be accommodated. I was there to care for your child while you were at WORK! This is something I talk about at the initial interveiw. No, I don't think they are intentionally taking advantage of you. (6) "Licensee" means an individual, partnership, corporation, or other entity authorized to operate a child-care center. ), Your contract should have a place for them to put their work hours (as you need to know where to reach them at all times!). I have learned my lesson the hard way, and now I charge per hour. I would not be ok with someone telling me what I can and can't do while they watch my child (and I absolutely don't mean to be negative, that is just me). It is also a good idea to ask what happens if you are late: How is care provided for your chil… For instance: When I worked downtown before kids, I would leave the house at 5 minutes till 7 in order to arrive in my office by 8 am because of morning traffic. This doesn’t mean, however, that this time is unproductive. The children in your care should know the substitute. However, I would not single them out or ask them where they are for that 10 hours. He was the first child there and the last to leave....... 6:30am till 5 or 5:15 pm. Take into concideration travel time, 8 hours of working, and lunch time. Forty-two percent of children under age 5 with employed mothers spent at least 35 hours a week in child care. I don't mean to be rude but it really isn't your business why their child is there so long. It never happened. They may be running errands, but if they are within the time limits to pick up their child, it is not for you to judge what they should or should not be doing during that time. Full Time Childcare: Monday through Friday anytime between the hours of 7:30am and 5:30pm Part Time Childcare: Limited days of the week anytime between the hours of 7:30am and 5:30pm Half Day Childcare: (7:30am - 12:30pm) or (12:30pm - 5:30pm) Also, consider how far they live from you and how far they drive to work and the possibility of hitting rush hour traffic. But, I don't think that is your question, right? Longer than that is an additional rate. As a parent, I think it makes much more sense to run into the grocery store for a few items while my child is in daycare, then to pick him up and drag him with me to the grocery store, which will take longer. Whether to care for a child whose parents are working or doing other things is a provider's choice. No. The original point of daycare was to provide care for children so moms could work, nothing more, nothing less. We have parents who drop off while the opening teachers are still locking up their cars at 6AM and those who pick up consistently ten or fifteen minutes after closing. Now don't get me wrong I understand the need to run errands and work runs over. But you need to be fair and tell them WAY in advance (like 2 or 3 months) so if they choose not to pay by the hour, then they can find another place. For national child abuse information, call the Childhelp®, 800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453), or your local CPS agency. Incorporate a learning activity with a craft. Incorporating preschool themes into daily learning helps engage children and keep them interested in learning. If not, they will go elsewhere. Make sure your provider allows you to visit unannounced anytime your child … I was merely curious if a 10 hour day was normal, sounds like it is for a lot of people. It sucks, and I wish I had a job closer to home, but it would suck even worse if my daughter's daycare lady didnt allow her to be there the whole time I'm at work/commuting. These parents already signed a contract that did not state how many hours their child can stay each day, and they pay a rate based on how many days their child attends. Just to make sure that they are not taking advantage of you. Explain to everyone you love their kids and want them to keep coming, but you have a family and a life too!! Simply adjust your day accordingly if your times vary from the example given. You have every right to charge as little or as much as you like, and to charge by the day or by the hour or by the week, and to accept or refuse business as it fits your schedule, but frankly, it is none of your business what the parents choose to do with their time. that is WITHOUT me doing errands. The proportion is even greater (50.6 … My baby is at daycare for 10+ hours each day. i would have to leave at 7 to allow for … If I got off work a bit early and wanted to go to the store and buy groceries without the kids then I have already paid for the child care for those hours and it's my choice what I do during that time. So, to keep from offending them post a notice that you are having to limit the amount of time each child is in your care to 9 hours and if parents need more time than that they need to talk to you to make arrangements for extended care. I have a 30 min commute each way. Or you'll find that they're delaying picking up because they're sitting a home without they're kids for a while. While in daycare, my little one has gotten on a schedule, learned to sleep in a crib (no, we didn't do that at home), learns physical milestones quickly (he was able to hold his bottle faster than my stay-at-home friends' babies, among other things), and has actually made a best friend (they stare and laugh at each other for hours. I know people get a lot of flack for being 'negative' on this site and I really try hard not to be negative when I respond to posts, so I hope I don't offend you - this is just my perspective and I can't figure out how to word it differently...... Also, when my daughter was little I always used day care centers, so this may not apply to your specific post..... but there was never 'judgement' attached to why I need childcare from the childcare provider. If they wanted you to watch their child while they run to the store they would have to contract that with you like they would a babysitter, and pay extra for that fee. Personally my daycare is open 11 hours per day. I also agree that 10 hours is a very long day for a child, but that's reality. I would make it a generic 8-9 hr. Problems in finding quality child care aren't limited to those working odd hours. A typical daily schedule at daycare provides a nice balance, often scheduling free play after quiet activities. Yes, curriculum for your infant. I took care of 2 boys last year in someone else's home. They probably don't have a choice, but even if they do, they did not hire you for parent education or as a family counselor. (I really wasn't that strict BUT my parents respected me and CALLED me any time they wanted to make a quick stop after work. 10 hours a day at the daycare? Child Care Options . Is it appropriate to amend their contract? When I did daycare my "rates" were for a 40 hour work week plus 5 hours of travel time. This measure is put into place in order to keep a child from returning to school while medicated and her fever returning as the medicine wears off. Having said that - if the "reason" a family wants childcare matters to you, then I wouldn't ever just list "open hours". I work in a church based, private daycare and we see this all the time. She works in NYC, her commute is 1.5 hours each way. I know that she does this to preserve her family time, and completely respect that. Don't be afraid to make clear rules or policies for your business, that's how businesses run smoothly, and how you can keep your sanity and everyone can be on the same page. I just assumed it wouldn't be a problem. Yes, it is appropriate to amend the contract. I'm sure that will put to stop to it! But the main requirements for returning your child to daycare or school is that the fever should be gone for a least 24 hours and the symptoms are not too noisy or distracting to classmates or the student themselves. It also encourages learning and promotes a happy atmosphere. When you begin vetting different daycares in your area, it’s a good idea to ensure that the staff you choose has experience working with kids at the age of your child. Parents who live in the big … You do not want to say,"Parents are expected to use the daycare only during their work hours". However, from a business standpoint, I think you need to be paid an hourly rate, not a daily rate. It's the spot you are paying for, not the whole day unless your WORK schedule mandates such. And see what they say! All that being said, they need to keep everyone's best interest in mind. If you don't want the kids there that long then you need to have that in the contract before the kids start. I think you just have to accept that this family may, or may not, be taking advantage of you. During the study, researchers followed 1,200 children from birth to the age of 4.5 years. But unfortunately, with my husband laid off from his job and working construction to help make ends meet, I am not really in a position to tell my employer I won't work these hours. Most caregivers open for 9-10 hour days because parents have to drop off their kids, put in their typical 8 hour day and then drive back to pick them up. They could be working 8 hours a day plus have to travel. When I worked at a daycare a few years ago, it opened at 6 am and closed at 6 am. That means you need a … I think many moms (myself included) would LOVE to spend more time with their kids. (Usually 4 days a week though......), My contract was very strict that you were not allowed to do errands. I think that if you need to stick to the contract. This gives the children’s brains time to process new information without spending too much time on one activity. My son's daycare said a child shouldn't be in daycare longer then 11 or 12 hours per day. I have a daycare out of my home too so I can understand how you are feeling. Daycare is Expensive. I don't mind if parents are not at work and/or commuting while their child is in my care, however I do feel I have the right to know if they are in another location than their job. my work day is a 40 hour week. That's an odd thing for your day care to have a preference on. The majority of these kids spend close to 40 hours per week in day care; many start when they are only weeks old. As long as they are abiding by the contract, there really is no "appropriate" way to ask them about their work hours. The child will be turned away if she is brought back to the daycare center the morning after being sent home. Whether you use the provided daycare schedule or not, you should maintain a nice balance of active learning, quiet learning, and free play. Thanks for the advice. Yes it sounds like you're being taken advantage of. We have a full-fledged house kitchen,” said Sarin. Some allow it but don't like it but then IMO they just get resentful. Some parents figure that since they are paying for the time, they should use it whether they are working or not. You have to be a point. Good Luck! Children young enough to attend daycare all day, but not yet old enough for kindergarten often need rest time. Write in your contract that their child can only be in your care for 9 hours a day. She will be in daycare 5 days a week, from about 7:30am-5:30pm....between 9 1/2 to 10 hours a day. Good luck! Like Stern, many new mothers — 1.7 million, in fact, or a full 57 percent with children who are under a year old — are now in the workforce, placing their most precious treasure in the care of others. if you want to change that, then you need to tell them (and everyone else you watch) that due to all the flex schedules you need to start charging by the hour. A typical daycare schedule also incorporates meals and snacks during strategic times. Positive vibes I seriously don't know one single mother who prefers to have her child in full time daycare (though I hear they exist). Even though I am 'open' for 10.5 hours each day, does that mean I should allow any child to be there that long? I definitely respect your time - but if you've told me you are available to watch my child for 10.5 hours each day for a set fee, then that means I have the ability to keep her with you for that amount of time and pay that fee regardless of my work schedule. I tried talking with her about it, and she just shrugged it off saying she'd "try" to be on time. Children younger than kindergarten age cannot sit still for hours at a time learning letters and numbers. In this schedule, the children get 4 hours of free time to play inside or outside. It's kinda sad to think of it that way. Perhaps they feel since you are still open that it is okay. We all know that there are some parents who work a lot of hours. Just do right by the kids, as I'm sure you will, since you show it with your concern here. I would agree that you need to be clear and set the hours that your "business" is open, so that if you do not want to be working a 10 hour day, you don't end up doing that. A child care center is a facility in which seven or more children unrelated to the operator receive child care services. The early years of a child’s life (especially under the age … Yes. I worked in a daycare when I graduated HS, this was in 96-97, but there were numerous parents who dropped of their precious children at 6:30am and picked them up at 6:29pm at closing. Our sitter's hours are 7:30-5, and we know that we have to be there by 5 to pick our kids up. You bet I would! When I charge per day, parents thought nothing about coming an hour or two later to get their own things done. While that seems like a LOT of time to me to be having a child in daycare, it is not my nothing I can say about that! Likely most of them wish they would be able to use your service less or not at all. NAC 432A 540 Facilities that provide care for ill children Just a thought. Our school policy is a child with a temp of 100 F or above should stay home. So, my bare minimum schedule is 10 hours each day of needed childcare - provided that my boss doesn't ask me for something 5 minutes before I am supposed to leave or there is an accident in front of me on the highway. Most of the feedback from this post came off a little rude. As far as the child being in care for too long the state licensing standards cover that. and another problem with parents is parent A drops of child on his/her way to work at like 7am. Is it just me or does it seem like that is way too long for the child? Just because I have an In-Home Daycare doesn't mean I'm not an established business. They will probally give you a straight answer. That really is of no concern to you. Perhaps charging by the week based on hours instead. Then we will amend the contract. Be detailed in stating what your daycare service provides, not what is expected of parents. 22 Forty-two percent of children under age 5 with employed mothers spent at least 35 hours a week in child care in 2002.1 The proportion is even greater (50.6 percent) among children … The CDC offers a number of COVID-19 safety protocols for daycare centers: Children age 2 and older should wear a mask. I hope this helps Families may change their drop off and pick up times if they give me a 2-week notice. CACFP provides nutritious meals and snacks to infants and children as a regular part of their day care. (7) "Nontraditional hours" means the hours of: (a) 6 p.m. through 6 a.m., Monday through Friday; or I feel like this is normal hours for a child to be at daycare - thoughts? Sad, but true. So, while I can certainly appreciate and applaud your concern for the children in your care, please consider that these parents may be in a situation where they are doing their best for their kids, and that might mean that the child has a long day at daycare. I don't know if the parents' work schedule keeps them away so long or if they are out running errands. While fewer children have been sick with COVID-19 compared with adults during the pandemic, children can be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, can get sick with COVID-19, and can spread the virus to others. And the one day I specifically told her I HAD to be out on time due to plans I Had, she was late and walked in finishing up a snack she'd stopped off to get. To every parent that has to work crazy hours, I know they are doing the best they can to meet the needs of their family. But my situation as a single parent is probably a bit different than most. i can understand how some children spend such lond days in child care. Overview of the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692. That is reasonable, then they work 8 hours and have either a half hour to an hour lunch, then they get off work. I run a childcare business in my home. Your child gets most of the benefits of a 5 day program, including building relationships with other students and teachers, consistency of routine and actual learning, but you still get to have them all to yourself for a couple of days per week. 1 If yours are too, ask these questions to find the safest daycare for your kids. In the future, you may want to consider charging per hour, instead of per day. Any longer then that they will be charged and extra fee for that time. The saddest part was they would rush home to a quick dinner and put their kids to bed at 8pm because they were exhausted. It's a matter of respect. Of course you can order your own daily events, but looking at a typical daily schedule at daycare helps preschool teachers and daycare providers by showing them a sequence of activities that works. Most people are scheduled for 9 hours, not 8 hours. I don't think that you want to ask them what they are doing with their day, especially since you are saying that your daycare is open for 10 1/2 hours a day. If you want to amend the contract that is your right, but make sure that you give them at least 30 days notice so that they can find another daycare provider. I'm not sure if that's a VA law or just a rule at the daycare but when it was mentioned, they were pretty serious. And the mom's salary is none of your business. A variety of public or private nonprofit child care centers, Head Start programs, outside-school-hours care centers, and other institutions which are licensed or approved to provide day care … But since you're prolonging MY work day shouldn't I get paid for MY time? Well VERY shortly after mom started coming home later and later, EVERYDAY. It's my 8 hour day at work plus the half hour I take for lunch (a lot of folks take an hour, which makes it 9 hours) plus the drive time. When Michelle Holback of San Jose, CA, enrolled her son, Zachary, in a center when he was 6 months old, he immediately bonded with one of the caregivers. That is because I work 9 hours (8+1 hour lunch) and then its 30 mins to drive to work and 30 mins to drive to pick her up. I know from what I've read on my daycare email list provider's are split almost 50/50 on whether or not they allow this. Having been a mom who had to work, to find a daycare provider that does quality care is worth their weight in gold. On the flip side, I've got over 10 years experience working in Daycares, Preschools, After-school Programs, and now an In-home Daycare. If there are enough adults available to split up the children, take the older ones into a separate room and let them play group games like “Heads up 7-Up”, “Telephone”, or any other group activity. This equals at least 11 hours in daycare plus a little more if you count 15 minutes for dropoff and pick up. Now, just because that is the earliest age many people say is acceptable, that does not mean that your child will be ready for daycare that early. Much of a preschooler’s day is spent in free play mode. I think it's well within your rights as a business owner to amend the contracts for all your parents charging an hourly rate...or charging a daily rate for 8 hours, then after 8 hours parents must pay an additional $X per hour. I don't think that you can legally go in and change the contract, unless they agree to it. wow! eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'mamapedia_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',642,'0','0']));If you add it up, some people take 30 minutes to leave the child until they actually have to be at their desk ready to pick up the phone or turn on their computer. Am I Being Taken Advantage of by a daYcare Parent. But luckily you have a choice and you can decide based on what is ideal, rather than what is ok. Bottom line, it depends on your child. My SIL is a single mom who has her child in daycare for more than 10 hours a day. How long is your contract for (1 year, 6 month?)? You can bet none of those parents would work a 50 to 55 hour week for 40 hours pay so why should you. Preschool learning time usually takes only about 3 hours in the morning or afternoon. See if they have a legitimate reason. A typical daily schedule at daycare lasts from morning until afternoon. as you can and try not to judge the parents. Sorry to approach such a touchy subject. From this point forward, make it a part of your contract so that it is clear from the beginning. Re: Daycare Hours - How long is too long? It also helps the children retain more information and come back wanting more. I don't need to know what they are doing, just that they are not at work, etc. I haven't read the other responses, nor do my kids go to daycare...though my sister manages a daycare. If you believe a child should not be in daycare more than a certain amount of hours, then you must provide care that does not allow this. If I’m being honest with myself, it’s a significant number of hours. Copyright © 2021 Bright Hub Education. They are a great family and I don't want to offend them or loose their 'business' but I also don't want to be taken advantage of, I want to protect my family time. 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