jen psaki press secretary email address

But reports over the weekend that an agreement had been reached to exchange prisoners was not true. So, the guidance last week, of course, said that if you’re vaccinated, you don’t have to wear a mask outside, as long as you’re not in a crowd. And we think there is opportunity for agreement to deliver on — on relief to the American people. Facebook. He’s a details guy, and he wants to dig into the pros and cons and all of the considerations for any decision. And, certainly, that — that is what is happening on Capitol Hill. And there’s an openness to smaller package, to different components moving forward together. — KT (@sloyoroll01973) May 6, 2021. Sometimes — I’m not saying you’re confused about that; some people sometimes are. We can see if there’s more follow up on it, on the timeline. He’s also used the power of the bully pulpit in his presidency to convey that transgender rights are human rights. So the CDC engaged with around 50 stakeholders that are on the frontlines in this pandemic and have requisite perspective for the guidance. Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed Thursday that she will probably leave her current role at the White House in "about a year." Q    Are you concerned about setting a precedent that could be — so, even if India and South Africa narrow their proposal, which is apparently something that’s going on — and maybe you could ask — you could — you could confirm that that is your understanding — even if that proposal is narrowed, are you concerned that you’re going to be setting a precedent that could harm U.S. companies in the future — which is what, you know, we hear from U.S. industry? But is — does the White House have a response to the Republicans kind of ganging up on her or having negative reaction to that? Obviously, those are indirect. Watch the briefing in the video player above. So I’d have to talk to our team if that assessment has been concluded or not. Just a few more brief updates for you. White House press secretary Jen Psaki admitted in a CNN podcast published Thursday that President Joe Biden taking impromptu questions from reporters “is not something we recommend.” Press Secretary Jen Psaki will step down in 2022, according to media reports. Is there any concern about having enough vaccinators to reach people in those areas? He also supports better privacy protections and a robust anti-trust program. And that is his belief and the view of his administration, and how he expects policies to be implemented. How long do you anticipate those funds will last, particularly given that next year’s schoolyear will be unique — coming off of a year where most schools have been closed for the better part of the year? But I mean, there’s been a lot of travel to some of these states. Q    Thanks. It’s a WTO process, and what ultimately happens here will not be up to the United States alone. So that’s not a concern that we are tracking at this point in time — a lack of — because we did a lot of work preparing for those needs. MS. PSAKI:  Mm-hmm. We have a difference of view on the payfors. An- — but in the meantime, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is going to move forward with that effort. The amount of time children spend in CBP facilities is down by 75 percent — from 131 hours at the end of March to under 30 hours now. Do you think that this is an appropriate comment for a Treasury Secretary? MS. PSAKI:  Secretary Blinken? MS. PSAKI:  Well, first, let me say we strongly agree — disagree with the analysis, as do other independent experts. President Biden just recently named — nominated somebody to run the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. As Dr. Fauci acknowledged today, it requires even adults who have been vaccinated to wear masks outside at all times. Q    When will they start being awarded? But he’ll have more to say later this afternoon about the July timeline. First, we are going to make permanent this incredible and historic effort to feed kids during the summer months. Q    Do you think that there could be another round of direct payments in one of these bills? MS. PSAKI:  Sure. Q    — but it’s obviously really important. So he’s certainly open to that. Thank you. She will be extremely difficult to replace. In terms of your second question, we are working — our team here is working to determine how we will apply the CDC guidelines that will constantly be updated, as you all know, to our efforts and the work we do here in the White House. So cooperation is a hallmark of our approach. Q    Hi, good afternoon. Andrea, do you want to kick us off? The White House - May 4, 2021 - Advertisement - ... our administration immediately jumped into action to address the influx of migrants at the border — something that began during and was exacerbated by the Trump administration. It’s an agency that has been criticized for years by tra- — by traffic safety advocates for not doing anything, especially for truck safety. He takes waste, fraud, and abuse incredibly seriously. Q    Yeah, a couple questions. So, there are certain parts of the country or certain communities where we still have mass vaccination sites, where we’ll continue to open them. Q    — to come talk about infrastructure. In terms of oxygen support, which as you all know is a big component of what they need right now — we’re talking about oxygen cylinders. And clearly, there are steps we’ve announced. It’s been awhile. Q    On this idea of a carbon bank, since you’ve been on the job, what is the feedback that you’ve gotten from farmers? With the American Rescue Plan, we saw an additional $100 a month for a family of four being added to the groceries — to their grocery purchases. And as — and I noted, in response to Andrea’s question –there are, of course, considerations, but we’re also in the midst of a global pandemic, and we are — our objective is to getting as much supply out into the global community as — as quickly as possible and in the most cost-effective manner as we can. And one last one on India. The deadline for that plan was April 27th. Is he also going to talk the Families Plan with those senators when he holds that meeting? Please enable JavaScript to use this feature. MS. PSAKI:  Well, our focus right now is on allowing the available — the AstraZeneca vaccine supply that we have –expected — over the next couple of months, going through a process to determine where we can get — provide those vaccines. MS. PSAKI:  Well, Hans, there is no assessment at this point in time. Q    He’s talking about user fees. Q    TRIPS wai- — (laughter.) The White House has said the President wants to see progress on the American Jobs Plan by the end of this month and passage by the summer. And we look forward to implementing that program. Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, May 7, 2021, President Biden Lays Out The Need For Tax Fairness, A Proclamation on Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2021, Honoring and Empowering Tribal Nations and Indigenous Peoples | Elizabeth Warren. Q    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said this morning — when asked about, kind of, the issues within his own party — that, quote, “100 percent of my focus is on stopping this new administration.”  And he touted, kind of, the unity within his caucus, from Susan Collins to Ted Cruz. This Kristin. Go ahead. Is he confident that Congress can meet that benchmark? Ms. Psaki was asked repeatedly about the seeming reversal of the Biden… MS. PSAKI:  Yeah. MS. PSAKI:  I wouldn’t. Why can’t it just come up with these science-based guidelines on its own? So, these three steps — these three key investments of the American Families Plan will allow us to cement the gains under the American Rescue Plan and, hopefully, impact and reduce hunger to the point, eventually, one day, where we won’t have to have a press conference about — about hunger. Our embassy, of course, is remaining there and a presence there as well. White House press secretary Jen Psaki called President Joe Biden's joint address to Congress a "guidepost for the next year" on ABC News' "Powerhouse Politics" podcast. MS. PSAKI:  I wouldn’t say that’s an exact characterat- — characterization of his comments or remarks that he made. Q    And one international question: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu missed the deadline to put together a coalition government yesterday — or a new governing coalition. So, it would be additional cost. MS. PSAKI:  I don’t — it’s not my understanding that we’re putting in new requirements here from the federal government. MS. PSAKI:  Well, certainly the President has put in place — has signed executive orders. Q    And I also want to ask: Does the Biden administration have a timeline, at this point, for issuing pardons and commutations? Oxygen concentrators — USAID has sent approximately 550 oxygen concentrators to obtain oxygen from ambient air. I mean, is that what the White House favors — or separately? MS. PSAKI:  I don’t think I said it was enough. I could get the latest and best technology. Q    Just one more on tomorrow and the trip to Louisiana. Q    At this point, when you think about getting these plans passed through Congress, are you envisioning both plans being combined into one bill? Next Post: A Proclamation on National Day, I could make more money. Q    Does President Biden agree with Governor Whitmer’s decision on the oil and gas pipeline? Q    We know the position that the White House has had for several weeks now, so I’m wondering: What’s more likely at this point — for the White House to move towards these congressional Democrats, or do — or congressional Democrats, in this case, to back off their position eventually? And I know we’ve provided a few of those, but I don’t think we’ve done a substantive one here on what has happened or — or what the recent shipments have been. MS. PSAKI:  Well, I would say, of all people, Secretary Yellen certainly understands the independence and the role of the Federal Reserve. They — those are often indirect discussions, or we have our own channels, of course, and they are separate from the nuclear discussions in Vienna. Well, first, we are always evaluating how to ensure we’re getting more supply out to the country and out to the American people — more shots in arms. Or are you leaving that to Treasury to figure out? Now, that same governor could, the following week, decide to order back to their maximum allocation. We have another special guest joining us today: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. Is the White House or is the administration considering sending additional help to Brazil? MS. PSAKI:  Well, I guess the contrast for people to consider is 100 percent of our focus is on delivering relief to the American people and getting the pandemic under control and putting people back to work. She was told that couldn’t happen at the time. I think what I saw Dr. Fauci’s comments speak to as well — which is certainly our position — is that our objective is to save lives by producing as much supply as possible and getting shots in arms around the world in the most effective way. But I will tell you that discussions to bring home Americans who are held in Iran are something that are raised — that is raised at the highest level through discussions. A remarkable display of Alinsky-inspired hubris today from the White House Press Secretary. According to an analysis out this week from Moody’s, GDP in 2030 will be more than $700 billion higher than it would be without the Jobs an- — Family — the Jobs Act — the Jobs Plan and the Families Plan. They’re certainly not. Well, first, the President, when he was elected, knew from day one he was going to govern for all Americans and that was going to be his objective. Ninety-seven thousand six hundred applications came from restaurants, bars, and other eligible businesses owned and controlled by women, veterans, socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, or some combination of the three. Is that a decision that you think will be coming at any point soon? Q    And last question: Does the President still think that we will get to herd immunity in the U.S. this calendar year? And they want to put out updated guidance as they feel comfortable and confident in what they can provide to the American public. And one of the things he’s talked about for some time since his primetime address — before the joint address was people being able to gather in their backyard and have a barbecue. We’re going to work with our international partners on that. Q    And the Tokyo Olympics are 12 weeks out. It’s certainly a pleasure to be here today with all of you. That’s a remarkable drop in a six-month period. It’s supposed to regulate, for example, but since 2016, they have a proposed rule to limit the speed of trucks, which hasn’t been acted on, now, in five years. Both of your masks. MS. PSAKI:  Kristin has a very good mask on today. We had multiple questions about this in terms of “How can we do this?” — not “We’re against it” or “We are opposed to it” or “We don’t think it should happen.”  It was, “How can we do this? It is a result of extending SNAP, as we did in the American Rescue Plan; creating a Summer EBT program that will institute opportunities for nearly 30 million children to have access to nutrition during the summer months; increasing our commitment to WIC; and basically making a down payment, if you will, on hunger reduction. If I’m coming back into the White House, sometimes I put it back on when I’m taking the walk just to save some time. I would say that the President is going to abide by the advice and guidance of health and medical experts. But I will say that I would expect we’ll have something to say about this once the WTO session gets underway. ReddIt. But our objective is to get those muscles working again and send a clear message to the world. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki holds the daily press briefing at the White House, March 30, 2021. Secretary Blinken. Jen Psaki: First, welcome Andrew Bates, our new deputy press secretary. Well, I can’t get ahead of the FDA process. Q    Is there any chance that like you guys might surge volunteers or staff to the embassy in Kabul to help? Kristin? Let’s see. We will leave those mechanics to leaders in Congress, but what we’re discussing with them is where we can find agreements on many of the proposals and ideas the President has put forward. But we can have a discussion about that. SECRETARY VILSACK:  It’s a complicated question, and one that hasn’t been reviewed in detail for quite some time. A lot of experts around the world are saying Brazil is living a “humanitarian catastrophe,” and there are more death in Brazil than in India. This one particular meeting is related to a counterproposal that Senator Capito made, which is focused on the American Jobs Plan, so I would expect that to be a primary focus of the meeting. So — Q    Right. If people have alternative proposals that don’t raise taxes on people making less than $400,000 a year that will help pay for this, we’re quite open to them. And we understand the frustration of the public, but we will leave the definition of that to our health and medical experts. And any response to them from the podium? MS. PSAKI:  Kaitlan. MS. PSAKI:  Well, I think it depends on when the President makes some decisions. But it’s my understanding that the Department of Educa- — of Transportation, I should say — sorry — is examining available tools to address exactly the problems that you’ve outlined, which could include awareness training and supporting healthy practices, preventive medical intervention, and regulation. Q    So given what he’s heard from the policy teams, from the health experts — people like Dr. Fauci have weighed in publicly about whether this would be helpful in making vaccines right now or if that would be further down the road — but is it — is his position still what he said last summer, which is “absolutely, positively,” he will “ensure there are no patents [standing] in the way of other countries and companies’ mass producing these lifesaving vaccines?” MS. PSAKI:  That has been his position, but he is the President of the United States, who believes in the advice, the counsel, the considerations of his policy teams. I know the State Department has contested that report, but just sort of as the — as a matter of principle, is the President open to a dollars-for-hostages deal, essentially ransom payments, to free prisoners? Today, as a result of the investments under the American Rescue Plan, we now know that hunger has dipped to 8 percent of America’s population. Are there any concerns though about First Amendment rights? Go — oh, let me go — let me just get around, and then I’ll come back to you two, if that’s okay. Would he at least invite them here to have conversations? MS. PSAKI:  Okay. MS. PSAKI:  Except for Texas and Ohio. Q    — I know you’ve seen the reports about the FDA approving the Pfizer vaccine for kids between the ages of 12 and 15. We also recognize, of course, the importance of the eviction moratorium for Americans who have fallen behind on rent during the pandemic. But for this program, not the pilot — the –the sec- — the actual part of it, not the pilot. They have a stake in this issue as well. Q    And just one final one. We understand the Department of Justice is reviewing the court’s decision and should have more to say later today. And we expect and anticipate, during the course of the summer months, that we will complete our review and then have an opportunity, perhaps, to have a conversation about this in the fall. And I was just wondering what the official White House view is on that. Facebook has decided to keep former President Trump off of its platform for now. MS. PSAKI:  Well, I think the President and his team assess any invitation as it comes in, but 12 weeks is some period of time. MS. PSAKI:  Well, given we haven’t named many ambassadors quite yet — and we hope to soon; stay tuned — certainly, the President looks to ensuring that the people representing him — not just in the United States, but around the world — represent the diversity of the country, and that certainly includes people who are LGBTQ, members of the transgender community. Q    Would you rule out legal action against these laws going forward as part of it? MS. PSAKI:  Well, we did take that step some time ago to expand the type of individuals who are qualified to be vaccinators, because early on we recognized that it wasn’t just about supply, it was also about locations — and obviously, as you alluded to, we’ve made some changes and adjustments — but also about vaccinators and ensuring that a larger group of individuals — dentists, veterinarians, others — could also be eligible to do the vaccine and get it into people’s arms, because we want to ensure that in a range of communities across the country there’s a range of options for people who can do exactly that. Couple items for all of you at the top. Has he reached out to Tim Scott — the person who’s leading the charge on the GOP side? And we also, though, are in the midst of a historic global pandemic, which requires a range of creative solutions. Q    That’s all right. And my question on the patents — you were talking about how the President, last summer, expressed his favor for waiving these so countries would be able to mass produce these vaccines once they’re ready. What it that — like days, months, weeks? And I think it’s unlikely we’re going to be weighing into every private sector decision about how they’re moving forward once people are vaccinated, but I will check with them on that. Now, there wasn’t — there weren’t recommendations or weren’t — there wasn’t guidance given on workplace use — right? SECRETARY VILSACK:  You know, I was at a meeting yesterday with the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Michael Regan. There are so many organizations who play incredible roles in the United States and around the world. So it’s timely for us to look at this. We’ve also sent 2.5 million N95 masks, and we have an additional 12.5 million N95 masks available should that request come from the Indian government. Jen Psaki defended a letter President Joe Biden sent to Americans about stimulus checks. I’m here primarily to talk about food and nutrition security. An online video game player posed as a White House Correspondents Association member and landed four questions in recent press briefings, Politico reported. And just yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it will begin the process of reuniting a number of families who were separated by the policies of the previous administration. Q    Right now, there is a huge Chinese rocket in outer space that’s going to be crashing down to Earth, likely on Saturday, and nobody knows exactly where. Sixty-one thousand seven hundred applications came from businesses with under $500,000 in annual pre-pandemic revenue, representing some of the smallest restaurants and bars and businesses in America. So the — there’s so many people in institutions and organizations now really putting pressure on President Biden to back this waiver. Some of them have put some proposals forward. And, obviously, we follow the advice and guidelines of our health and medical experts. One way of increasing SNAP benefits is by reforming the Thrifty Food Plan, and I know that that is under review right now. No. Have you — do you have any news for us on that front, in terms of timing and also the agenda? Go ahead, in the back. His focus will be on talking about the American Jobs Plan and how that plan in a historic investment in infrastructure, rebuilding the type of bridges, roads in Louisiana that are long overdue to be upgraded could help not only people’s travel and commutes, but also create jobs in these communities. I was very pleased with the level of support and interest that the farm community has for ways in which they can be engaged in this effort to reduce emissions and to be engaged in this climate effort. Can you just really walk us through what your perspective is on this and why? 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