I want to remind people of some pretty basic manners. I can still feel that glow you give to me when you’re around. The Holy Spirit Pt12: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Love, The Holy Spirit Pt9: Symbols Of The Holy Spirit - Fire, The Holy Spirit Pt8: Symbols Of The Holy Spirit - The Dove, The Holy Spirit Pt7: Empowerment and Sanctification. In days when many are disillusioned and seeking for more, through the ministry of David Legge we seek to provide Bible-based teaching and preaching which will lead you into a deeper relationship with God. First Corinthians 9:22: 'To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some'. As I read in the Gospel story oft, This is what the apostle Paul had in Romans chapter 9, he said: 'I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. Just as we have learnt already that love is a motivation for all things in the Christian life, and its absence poses meltdown for the mechanisms of the Christian experience, in the same way we are nothing without love, the lost will mean nothing to us if … The ear of faith to hear these two words 'send, lest', it is cultivated by the word of God, by prayer, by meditation and contemplation upon spiritual things - and quite frankly if you're not, as we have already covered in the 'Back to Basics' series, reading God's word, meditating on it, praying over it, praying it in, you will not hear this cry. Find out more about us, ourministry and how to use our site, David Legge ministers in theUnited Kingdom and Ireland, Send us an email or leave a comment via our Guestbook. Dedicated to my sister, Madelyn, whose youth gave my mind the imagination it needed to write these poems. 'He that hath ears to hear', the Lord Jesus said, 'let him hear'. You've got to learn to trust them, and they've got to learn to trust you. It is a gorgeous, painful expression of desire to spare yourself the pain of a life without a person you love. We must pity if we would redeem, we must bleed if we would be ministers of this saving blood. Compassion is obvious, when we look at the Saviour we see the compassionate one, who looked at the sheep and saw them as sheep scattered abroad not having a shepherd, and He had compassion upon them. Give us Thine eyes to see them, tear-filled eyes that have vision to go the lengths that others have gone to save some. My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. I think I just lost myself, in the midst of the non-sense 9 times out of 10, I'd close my eyes and dream about you Don't know what it was, but you just had this thing about you Lately we've been distant, see, I just can't be without you And my soul got so attached to yours, I can't be me without you If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. This does not include hosting or broadcasting the materials on another website, however linking to the resources on preachtheword.com is permitted. When they felt fear, or love, or compassion, they felt moved in this part of the body. The love for the lost is a supernatural love, because the love for the lost is the love of Christ. 7. 4:14 PREVIEW Još Te Uvijek Volim (I Still Love You) 10. Lost in a World Without Love Dedicated to my sister, Madelyn, whose youth gave my mind the imagination it needed to write these poems. You may have heard of the eye of faith that is necessary to try and picture and conceive of some spiritual things in the word of God; but in order to hear this cry from hell, you need the ear of faith. Without manners and love for one another, this world will get darker and darker. He saw not a number in might or strength, The pictures they paint, the music they compose, the books they write, and the lives they lead. Shel Silverstein "Forgotten Language": Do we have any compassion? You know what each other are thinking, you almost know what the other is about to say before they say it, you maybe know what they're feeling - and that's exactly what we're talking about here on a divine level, where you get so intimate with the Lord Jesus Christ that you actually feel His compassion for lost souls with His own heart. I aim to misbehave. God sends, the Godhead; the Father sends, the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world; the Christ sends, the great commission in Matthew 28: 'Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature'. We all need to join together to pick it up. Now you might ask the question: what is this cry from hell? Serenity is a 2005 space western film which continues the canceled Fox science fiction television series Firefly, taking place about two months after the events of the final episode . Now if we misunderstood that, we would almost think that he was denigrating the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, but that's not Paul's point. Who will I send, and who will go for us?'. http://www.famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/ezra_pound/poems/18774, Edgar Allan Poe "A Dreams Within A Dream": How much inconvenience does it cost us? Do I lift my eyes with a careless gaze, Is it only a crowd I see? You look at Christian history, you look at the word of God, and all of the writings of Christian biography, and you will see very clearly that all the great men of God that did any great work for God were broken spirits who had wet eyes. 'Let me look on the crowd as my Saviour did, True intercession is sacrifice, a bleeding sacrifice'. I see only what I want to see and nothing else. Without love or mercy. I've got to make you see. Lost Without Your Love Studio album by Bread ReleasedJanuary 1977 RecordedElektra Sound Recorders 1976, … That is what is characteristic of every man or woman of God that has ever done anything in relation to winning the lost. Isaiah said: 'Here am I, send me'. Or maybe it's even impossible! Can I finish this morning with a story from Hudson Taylor's life again? It places love on a supernatural plain, to the extent that you'll be able to love the unlovely, love the unthankful, love the people that you don't really like and don't gel with you, to even love those who are indifferent to you and those who are indifferent to the gospel of Christ. 2. If you love the Lord and if you love others, as the greatest commandment of all tells us to do, you will also love the lost... We don't believe in a feelings-based Christianity, but God deliver us from a feeling-less faith, where we don't feel things that we ought to feel... Is your love for the Saviour enough, and your love for others enough to love the lost? But fairytales are fake, it’s plain to see, From this dream that I’ve been having for an eternity, You’re always there and know just what to say. I come from big traditions and family dinners, From church on Sundays to hot chocolate winters, I come from brown eyes and braceless teens, I am from harsh times; I’ve lived everywhere in between, I come from beach vacations and bedtime stories, I come from my mom and my dad, my great grandparents, From goodnight kisses and “Little Me” Pageants, I come from the one who is, who was, and who will become, And all the memories that are yet to come. . The Psalmist said in Psalm 126: 'They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Now that's an unfortunate translation for us in this modern day, but you have to understand that the ancients, for them the bowels, or this abdominal area, was the seat of the affections. Like “I have an idea that the only thing which makes it possible to regard this world we live in without disgust is the beauty which now and then men create out of the chaos. Do we touch the lost with Christ's scars? Is it people asking for a second chance? That simply means that he set aside everything that hindered the Gospel's influence in his life, everything that hindered him. How much food does it cost us? Hudson Taylor, I encourage you to read his life story, he went to China - if you didn't already know that - and he went to China, you may not know, at a time when Britain was at war with China - like a missionary going in World War II to Germany. http://www.famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/shel_silverstein/poems/14830, Ezra Pound "A Girl": "Hooked on You," the follow-up single, subsequently reached number 60. That is simply down to one reason: a lack of love. You get to the stage - some of you older, maybe not so old, couples will be able to testify of how you start to second-guess one another. You've got to get near them. How do you let that love out? Paul the apostle, at least four times, described himself as serving the Lord with all humility and many tears. That will transform all of your human relationships. And I need you back to stay. I am just devastated and really don’t want to be in a world without him in it. Just listen to the words: 'With a soul blood-bought and a heart aglow, How do you know someone's heart? Taylor was impressed by the clarity and energy with which he gave his testimony. Let's stop playing church and going through the motions, wearing the right clothes, saying the right words, and waken up to the fact that people are lost and dying - and from our perspective there's one reason for it: how shall they hear without a preacher? My father sought after the truth for more than 20 years and died without finding it! A man takes a journey into the unknown when he tries to find true happiness. Who will tell them? We see this in Paul to the Galatians in chapter 4:19, where he says: 'Little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you'. The classic symptoms of anhedonia engulfed him — he lost passion for his work and came to dismiss as meaningless the eternal fame he had once dreamt of. That compassion for them moved a step further, where he travailed. He became a Chinaman to Chinamen to win Chinamen, and what do I mean by that? These materials may not, in any manner, be sold or used to solicit 'donations' from others, nor may they be included in anything you intend to copyright, sell, or offer for a fee. Directed by Clifford Allan Sullivan. Now we don't believe in a feelings-based Christianity, but God deliver us from a feeling-less faith, where we don't feel things that we ought to feel - the realities of a Christian experience, and the great doctrines and dogmas of God's word don't penetrate our hearts - because the Christian faith is not a religion simply of the head, it is more importantly a religion of the heart. Do you love them with Christ's heart? But I can’t help to think of you everyday. Friends, do we have tearful eyes? What Paul is saying is: what is lacking in the gospel is that there should be a living personification of the love of Christ shown to men and women who are lost, and in that sense Paul was saying, 'I am filling up that lack in that through my sufferings, through my sacrifice, I am communicating sacrificial love, the very dying love of Jesus to those who are lost'. Directed by Clifford Allan Sullivan. He was the love of my life. Oh, we must move on, secondly: do we see them with Christ's eyes? View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1980 Vinyl release of "Lost Without Your Love" on Discogs. But he set all of his liberty aside and became enslaved to their customs in order to win them - now that is vision! I ask as I pass down the busy street, Within those two verses there are two words that I want to highlight just in introduction to this message on 'Love For The Lost' today. [Read guidelines...]. The Godhead sends, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; but have you ever allowed this to penetrate your mind and heart: this very morning, from the depths of hell, there are people crying out to you and me to send someone to their loved ones, lest they come to that awful place of torment. He rejoiced in his sufferings for the Colossians, and he filled up 'that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church'. Hell, I'm gonna grant your greatest wish. That pierces no deep-down woe? I believe the battle today for the Christian is the battle for the heart, that could also be put 'the battle for the mind'. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him'. Moby & The Void Pacific Choir - 'Are You Lost In The World Like Me?' 'Send, lest!'. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus, so it is actually His love that we are showing to others, His love constraineth us, 'Greater love hath no man than this' - so we want this 'great love'. You could translate it that he was 'moved in the heart of Jesus Christ'. Well, I believe it's none of those things. On Mother's Day: 'Send someone, lest my mother, or my child, or my brother, or my sister, or my neighbour come to this place that I am in! Now surely we've learnt that over these last few weeks: that the only love that pleases God is His own love. Well, the potential for it's already in you, because the Holy Ghost dwells in you if you're Christ's. We see Him weeping over a sinful city in Luke 19: 'And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it'. With you here close to me. In Philippians 1 verse 8 we have the same sentiment, I feel, where Paul says: 'For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ'. You can't work this love up. It's not even questioning the justice and fairness of God for sending people to hell - people are beyond that, they know where they are, they know they're there forever. Do we see them with Christ's eyes? How much money does it cost us to win the lost? The first word 'send' someone to my brothers, the second word 'lest' they come to this place of torment. Secondary causes and deafening influences may be materialism, worldliness, selfishness, neglect of the means of hearing - the word of God, prayer, and so on, as I have mentioned - but ultimately this deafness is caused by a desensitisation to the need that is all around us. The more I look around at this world, I feel like people only have one thing they want to look out for: themselves. Seeing them with Christ's eyes will be seeing them with tearful eyes, but it also means seeing them with eyes of vision. Herbert Lockyer said: 'Tears win victories. The words to make it right. I'm asking all of us today: do you have ears to hear the cry from hell? If you love the Lord and if you love others, as the greatest commandment of all tells us to do, you will also love the lost. Amen. The title track of this LP became the group's sixth and final top 10 hit, reaching number nine on the US Billboard Hot 100 in February 1977. He knew what it was to travail until these people came through for Christ, until they matured in the faith. Since you left I hardly make it on my own mind Sermon was delivered at Iron!? ' 'lest ' they come here ' I can Still feel that glow you give to me you... And became enslaved to their customs in order to win the lost shall reap in joy hindered the gospel sake! And finally, do you really believe that the only love that we can through. Him hear ', is asking you: do we have compassion on a child dies... Show you a world without music morning with a careless gaze, that pierces no deep-down woe Christ. 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