oklahoma state question 814 pros and cons

Largest counties | Friday, September 11, 2020 - 4:00pm. received by the State of Oklahoma pursuant to any settlement with or [1][2] The state legislature also passed Senate Bill 1529, which would have taken effect if State Question 814 was approved by voters. CAIR Oklahoma Supports State Question 805 and Recommends a YES vote. Court of Civil Appeals | Will this cover all the costs of Medicaid expansion? If this measure passes, money from the Legislative Fund must be used to get federal matching funds for Oklahoma's Medicaid Program. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. TSET funds research and offers grants to improve Oklahomans' health and well-being with a major focus on tobacco cessation and prevention programs. In Oklahoma, all polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central Time. As of October 2018, more than 50 tobacco manufacturers were a part of the MSA. Here's what you should know before you vote. Oklahomans Decide Healthcare said, "Expanding Medicaid will [make] our families healthier and our economy stronger. Voting yes on SQ 814 would amend the state constitution to send 75% of tobacco companies’ annual settlement payments to the state of Oklahoma to the state legislature and send 25% to TSET. The total expenditures for the state's healthcare costs in 2019 amounted to about $5.48 billion. Oklahoma voters in August approved a state question to expand Medicaid. } Soon, they’ll have an opportunity to put some money toward State Question 802, but it won’t come without a cost or a fight. On November 3rd, state question # 814 is on the ballot. -moz-columns: 1; To read Ballotpedia's methodology for covering ballot measure campaign finance information, click here. Annual payments to the states under the MSA began in 2000 and were set to be paid to the states in perpetuity.[7]. State Senate | -webkit-columns: 2; Valid forms of identification differ by state. The Idaho and Nebraska initiatives were designed to provide for expanded Medicaid coverage to 138 percent of the federal poverty line under Obamacare, but did not concern funding mechanisms for the state's share in the costs. } Oklahoma does not allow same-day voter registration. “You’re talking about tens of millions of dollars on a yearly basis here,” he said. columns: 1; The following underlined text would have been added, and struck-through text would have been deleted:[1] Note: Use your mouse to scroll over the below text to see the full text. There is a lot of history behind State Question 814. SoonerCare 2.0 was designed to take effect on July 1, 2021, if approved by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. SQ 814 is a statewide ballot measure that asks voters to amend Oklahoma’s constitution to reduce from 75% to 25% the amount of tobacco settlement funds going to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET). In 2010, 2011, and 2012 voters in nine states cast ballots on measures designed to oppose provisions of Obamacare. Court of Criminal Appeals | Oklahoma State Question 814, Decrease Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund Deposits and Fund Medicaid Program Amendment (2020). margin-top: 10px !important; The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, was enacted in March 2010. B. while keeping certain benefits available for city employees normally available to them in the performance of their ordinary duties. The original suit was brought by Delilah Gentges, who alleged that the voter ID law was "unconstitutional as an interference with the free right to suffrage and equivalent to a poll tax. “I feel like this is a very effective and thoughtful approach to not disturb any of the programs that they’re doing with TSET,” David said during a virtual forum. He said the state question seeks to limit the practice of adding additional years to someone’s prison sentence simply because they have a previous nonviolent conviction in their past. Title: Issue 1: To Continue a Levy of One-Half Percent Sales and Use Tax for the State… “So, it’s just not reasonable to suggest that this isn’t going to affect TSET’s ability to invest in their priorities and bring new programs online as new products are developed by tobacco companies.”. [7], As of 2020, of the total MSA payments to the state, 75% was deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) Fund— which was designed to fund tobacco use prevention and smoking cessation programs— and 25% was deposited into a special fund, the Tobacco Settlement Fund, which is subject to appropriation by the state legislature. The Senate agreed with the House's amendments and passed the measure on May 15, 2020, by a vote of 34-11 with two representatives excused. The state legislature passed Senate Bill 1529, which was designed to take effect if State Question 814 was approved by voters. The ballot initiative process in Oklahoma began in April 2019, when two Oklahoma women, Kelly Smalley and Erin Taylor, filed a petition with the Oklahoma Secretary of State. The deadline for registration is 25 days prior to the election. TSET payments, which have been on the decline as fewer cigarettes are sold each year, are based on Oklahoma’s annual master settlement payment from tobacco companies. Kevin Stitt and most Republican legislators oppose raising taxes, so boosting taxes to fund the expansion is likely a nonstarter. It was defeated. If you’re not an Oklahoma government buff, you might not be familiar. As a result, the remaining 75% will go to the Legislative Fund and the Legislature may continue to direct a portion to the Attorney General. [19] As of November 2019, this system was not yet fully active; already-registered voters could update their information, while new voters could not register online. margin-top: 0 !important; Valid forms of identification include government-issued photo IDs and county election board voter identification cards (which do not include photographs). Florida is spending billions to improve power reliability, could Oklahoma follow suit? A "no" vote opposed decreasing appropriations made to the state's Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) Fund, thereby maintaining that 75% of the money the state receives from tobacco settlements will be deposited into the TSET Fund. provided, the Legislature may, by law, direct a certain portion of The Oklahoma State Election Board allows residents to check their voter registration status online by visiting this website. .sbtotaltable td { Instead of 75 percent, TSET would get 25 percent. The group Oklahomans United Against 805 is concerned that the state question would allow repeat offenders to “spend less time in prison, allowing them to return to the community to commit even more crime,” according to a press … The other 75 percent would go into. Section 40. State Question 814 … If passed, Oklahoma would become the 48th state to allow this practice. Oklahoma voters will decide the fate of seven state questions on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Polls will be open today, Tuesday from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. Ballot Title This measure seeks to amend Article 10, Section 40 of the Oklahoma Constitution (Section 40), which directs proceeds from the State’s settlements with or judgments against tobacco companies. It involves the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET). The initiative in Montana was defeated. Proponents say Oklahoma inmates convicted of property and drug crimes currently spend more than 70 percent more time behind bars than the national average. Largest cities | The court's per curiam opinion said: "[The] Oklahoma Voter ID Act is based on the State's attempt to prevent voter fraud and the lack of evidence of in-person voter fraud in the state is not a barrier to reasonable preventative legislation. .ballot-measure-endorsements p { state question 814 This measure seeks to amend Article 10, Section 40 of the Oklahoma Constitution (Section 40), which directs proceeds from the State’s settlements with … Senate Bill 1529, a companion bill legislators passed in the spring, also prevents the Legislature from using the TSET funds elsewhere, David said. width: 100%; The Utah initiative was approved. What's on my ballot? First, here’s a TSET primer. The word count for the ballot title is 178, and the estimated reading time is 47 seconds. Campaign finance requirements | Two Republican Senators joined all Democrats in voting no.[2][16]. In the 1990s, 46 states including Oklahoma sued the major tobacco companies to recoup health care costs associated with tobacco use. Carmen Forman covers the state Capitol and governor's office for The Oklahoman. State constitution, Courts in Oklahoma | 375. He said the state question seeks to limit the practice of adding additional years to someone’s prison sentence simply because they have a previous nonviolent conviction in their past. Oklahoma: State Question 802: Oklahoma Medicaid Expansion Initiative: Passed Nov. 3, 2020: Oklahoma: Question 814: Decrease Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund Deposits and Fund Medicaid Program Amendment: Failed Health Insurance. In November, voters will be asked to weigh in on State Question 814—though less than 60 days from the election little has been said about the legislative referendum. | The Montana initiative, I-185, was also designed to eliminate the June 2019 automatic expiration date for the existing expanded coverage in Montana. background-color: black !important; [3], As of 2020, the average annual payment received by Oklahoma under the Master Settlement Agreement was around $75 million, of which, about $56.25 million was deposited into the TSET fund. The constitutional amendment would decrease appropriations made to the state’s Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) Fund from 75% to 25% of tobacco settlement revenue. columns: 2; A small portion of TSET funds (6.25%) goes to the attorney general's office, which is slated to continue under SQ 814. shall be subject to legislative appropriations and shall be appropriated and expended to draw down federal matching funds for the Medicaid program. [11], The Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) of 1998 is an agreement between 46 states, four U.S. territories, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and, originally, four cigarette manufacturers (Philip Morris Incorporated, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, and Lorillard Tobacco Company). TSET, which has a nearly $48 million annual budget, can only spend the interest earnings off the trust that currently holds about $1.3 billion. LAWTON, Okla. (TNN) - Oklahoma voters will soon be deciding whether to change the way the state’s tobacco settlement money is distributed. color:white !important; Judicial Selection | “We don’t need to pass SQ 814 to fund Medicaid expansion,” he said. The measure would also restrict the use of the Legislative Fund. Under State Question 814, the amount deposited into the TSET fund would have been $18.75 million. [9]. What is the history of Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma? Videos: Oklahoma 2020 election coverage }, No on 814- Campaign for a Healthier Oklahoma registered to oppose State Question 814. Without the TSET funding, legislators may have to cut other state services to fund the expansion, David said. received by the State of Oklahoma on or after July 1, 2001, pursuant District Courts | the following schedule: 2. Between 2013 and 2016, no statewide ballots featured measures related to Obamacare. 2021 legislative session | The measure was referred to the ballot by the state legislature and was approved by voters in a vote of 69% in favor to 31% opposed. Except for an initiative in Ohio, the measures were referred to the ballot by state legislators. } companies as provided by subsection B of this section, and any other The Oklahoma State Election Board's online voter tool will let you know where to vote (and if you have a reason to go to the polls) and will show you a sample of the ballot you'll see.. State Question 814 is one of two questions on the statewide ballot in Oklahoma this fall. It was placed there by a Joint Resolution passed by the legislature. Former Attorney General Drew Edmondson, who helped create TSET, said the roughly $50 million the Legislature would receive if SQ 814 passes would be a “drop in the bucket” for the state’s Medicaid costs, but the loss of those funds would have a "crippling" effect on TSET. ), $18.75 million (appropriated by state legislature), Tobacco Settlement Fund for legislature appropriation, $18.75 million (used for tobacco use prevention, smoking cessation programs, education, health care, etc. Ballotpedia features 324,407 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. In November 2018, voters in Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, and Utah decided ballot initiatives concerning Medicaid expansion and the funding of expanded Medicaid coverage. judgment against any tobacco company or companies shall be based on Currently, Section 40 directs 75% of proceeds to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund (TSET Fund), where earnings may only be used for tobacco prevention programs, cancer research, and other such programs to maintain or improve the health of Oklahomans. The following table shows MSA fund appropriations under state law as of 2020 versus under State Question 814 assuming a $75 million annual MSA payment. The measure was the first citizen initiative to implement an optional provision of Obamacare. Oklahoma's Question 814 would decrease payments made to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund and directs the legislature to appropriate money from the fund to secure federal matching funds for the state's Medicaid program. Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt (R) announced SoonerCare 2.0 in January 2020. As of 2020, under state law, 25% of funds in the Tobacco Settlement Fund are directed to the attorney general's office. He also said Oklahomans’ distrust of the Legislature is what prompted them to support the creation of TSET two decades ago. }, .arguments-bm-widget { The document must include the following information: On May 8, 2018, the Oklahoma Supreme Court issued its ruling in Gentges v. Oklahoma State Election Board, finding that Oklahoma's voter identification law did not violate the state constitution. Pros: This would increase accessibility to optometric physicians across the state. fund by the Legislature. How would Master Settlement Agreement funds have beeen distributed under State Question 814? [12], As of 2020, the average annual payment received by Oklahoma under the Master Settlement Agreement was around $75 million. SB 1529 would have made changes to the percentage of funds in the Tobacco Settlement Fund that are directed to the Attorney General's Evidence Fund so that the amount of money being directed would have remained about the same ($4.6 million) under state law as of 2020. The Legislature needs every dollar it can find in order to cover the new Medicaid population, she said. Today the fund receives 75% of the payments from the tobacco industry and the Legislature gets 25%. State Question 805 defines violent felonies as offenses listed in Section 571 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes on January 1, 2020. Deposits into the trust fund in subsequent fiscal years shall never be less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the payments. } Proponents are warning Medicaid expansion could cost far more than anticipated because the pandemic has increased the number of Oklahomans eligible for Medicaid. To vote in Oklahoma, one must be at least 18 years old, a United States citizen, and a resident of Oklahoma. State Question 814, which is on the November ballot, would redirect funds from the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust toward Medicaid expansion and Medicaid costs. “What that bill does is it ties the hands that this money goes, off the top, directly to the Health Care Authority to go to pay for Medicaid to draw down federal dollars,” she said. SoonerCare 2.0 was designed to expand Medicaid under the Trump Administration's HAO program and was set to be funded 90% by the federal government and 10% by the state. font-size:1.2em; The case came to the state supreme court on appeal from the Oklahoma County District Court, which had similarly upheld the constitutionality of the state's voter ID law. Oklahoma State Question 805: Criminal History in Sentencing and Sentence Modification Summary: Under current Oklahoma law, convicted felons who have previous felony convictions may be given longer or harsher sentences.Question 805 would change this rule to only apply to violent felons. The complexity of the measure and lack of widespread attention has some Oklahomans wondering what exactly SQ 814 is asking. The money in the fund was designed to be used for tobacco use prevention, smoking cessation programs, education, health care, and other purposes as established by the fund's board of directors. 1. Oklahoma receives money annually from tobacco companies under the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement (MSA). Of that amount, 8.33% ($4.68 million) would have been directed to the Attorney General's office and the remaining 91.67% ($51.57 million) would have been used to secure federal matching funds for the Medicaid program. This includes details on how and where to vote, absentee ballots, deadlines, and the candidates and issues that will be decided. Estimates indicate Oklahoma’s 10% share of Medicaid expansion will cost roughly $164 million annually, and costs could increase depending on the number of people who enroll. Deposits into the trust fund from monies which are if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; Oklahoma elections in 2021 | Oklahoma does not practice automatic voter registration. In 2017, voters in Maine approved a ballot measure to expand Medicaid to persons under the age of 65 and with incomes equal to or below 138 percent of the federal poverty line. fund principal shall consist of the portion of monies which are As part of the agreement, tobacco manufacturers were released from past and future legal claims from state and local governments for incurred costs from smoking-related healthcare treatment and deaths. You also may, Expiration date that is after the date of the election. Public pensions | Read more ›. House of Representatives | },

The State Treasurer will invest the money into stocks and similar securities as well to increase the amount of money available. } margin-bottom: 10px; Click "Show" to learn more about voter registration, identification requirements, and poll times in Oklahoma. [18] No. .split-cols-bm { The agreement was reached to settle lawsuits brought by the states seeking to recover states' expenses on treating tobacco-related illnesses. All yes votes came from Republican Senators. Supporters and opponents of the question differ on this point. Local measures | SoonerCare 2.0 was set to take effect on July 1, 2021, if approved by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. State Question 814, the Decrease Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund Payments and Fund Medicaid Program Amendment, was on the ballot in Oklahoma as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on November 3, 2020. The Legislature is trying to divert funding from a state agency that operates proven public health and prevention programs like the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline to help people quit smoking and a physician recruitment program for medically underserved areas, said Glanville, of the Cancer Action Network. The Oklahoma State Legislature passed Senate Joint Resolution 27 on Friday, which will appear on the statewide ballot as State Question 814 on November 3. Oklahoma does not require proof of citizenship for voter registration. SQ 814 is a statewide ballot measure that asks voters to amend Oklahoma’s constitution to reduce from 75% to 25% the amount of tobacco settlement funds going to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET). All nine Senate Democrats voted against the measure. Federal courts | All nine Senate Democrats and two of the 38 Senate Republicans voted against the measure. A total of 21 states required voters to present photo identification at the polls; the remainder accepted other forms of identification. State Question 814 would have directed the legislature to appropriate remaining money in the special fund to secure federal matching funds for the Medicaid program. State Question 814 would have directed the legislature to appropriate remaining money in the special fund to secure federal matching funds for the Medicaid program. monies that may be appropriated or otherwise directed to the trust margin-bottom: 5px !important; A Norman native and graduate of the University of Oklahoma, she previously covered state politics in Virginia and Arizona before returning to Oklahoma. The measure was set to take effect on July 1, 2021. [14], For the 2019 fiscal year, the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority reported revenues used to fund state healthcare programs totaling $5.78 billion, of which, $3.27 billion was paid for by the federal government. font-weight:bold; This measure amends Section 40 to reduce the percentage of proceeds that go into the TSET Fund from 75% to 25%. [4][5], The TSET Fund was created through State Question 692 in 2000 and was designed to receive a percentage of funds that the state received from tobacco companies under the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement (MSA). Once an applicant has been successfully registered, the county election board will mail him or her a voter identification card.[18]. State expenditures to implement SoonerCare 2.0 were expected to cost $954 million in the first year, and about $976.6 million annually for the next four years.[8]. The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed the measure with amendments on May 14, 2020, by a vote of 81-17 with two representatives excused. It stands for the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust. Of the remaining revenue sources, $1.13 billion came from state appropriations and $88 million came from tobacco tax revenues. For more information on State Question 802 and SoonerCare 2.0, click here. What is State Question 814? .ballot-measure-endorsements td { width: 35% !important;} Ballot access for parties | settlement with or judgment against any tobacco company or companies Title: Issue 3: An Amendment to the Arkansas Constitution to Amend the Process for the Submission and Approval of Proposed Initiated Acts, Constitutional Amendments, and Referenda. Opponents say SQ 814 is harmful to improving public health in Oklahoma. 1. Financial regulation | STATE QUESTION NO. State legislature | SB 1529 would have made changes to the percentage of funds in the Tobacco Settlement Fund that are directed to the Attorney General's Evidence Fund so that the amount of money being directed would have remained about the same ($4.6 million) under current law as of 2020 versus under State Question 814. [10], The top four donors gave 90.76% of the contributions to the support campaign.[10]. The Utah initiative was designed to expand coverage to 138 percent of the federal poverty line. in this section, shall be deposited into a special fund established Elections calendar | Meanwhile, the remaining 25% of proceeds are directed to a separate fund for the Legislature (Legislative Fund). Roughly $52 million went to TSET, $13 million went to the Legislature and the attorney general's office received $4 million. } It will deliver healthcare to those who need it, including many parents, senior… Oklahoma election 2020: Races to watch in the U.S. U.S. Senate election results: Jim Inhofe defeats Abby Broyles in Oklahoma, Todd Hiett beats Todd Hagopian in corporation commission race, Oklahoma's Legislature: GOP makes gains in state House, Oklahoma judges retention election: Voters retain all state Supreme Court justices, appellate judges, State Question 814 results: Oklahoma voters reject TSET changes, U.S. congressional election results: Cole, Lucas retain seats, State Question 805 results: Oklahoma votes against changing sentence enhancements, Oklahoma County Sheriff election results: Tommie Johnson III defeats Wayland Cubit, Pa. race can't be called on Election Day: Why it's taking so long, Oklahoma District 5 election results: Stephanie Bice beats Kendra Horn for House seat, Oklahoma presidential election results: President Donald Trump sweeps all 77 counties, Oklahoma elects first Muslim, nonbinary state legislator, Oklahoma voters set record as Trump logged another GOP sweep, First-time Oklahoma poll worker describes long day helping with Tuesday's historic election, Oklahoma House members sworn in, solidifying historic GOP majority, Trump's Oklahoma County squeaker, Horn's Grady County connection and 3 other things about the election. The FKGL for the ballot title is grade level 13, and the FRE is 39. A resource for Oklahoma voters heading to the polls on Nov 3. This measure seeks to amend Article 10, Section 40 of the Oklahoma Constitution (Section 40), which directs proceeds from the State's settlements with or judgments against tobacco companies. A panel of experts including. The state's GOP-controlled Legislature referred SQ 814 to the ballot in the spring through legislation from Senate Majority Floor Leader Kim David, R-Porter. In fiscal year 2020, TSET allocated $47.4 million to fund a range of health, education, and tobacco prevention programs. An individual who is in line at the time polls close must be allowed to vote.[17]. After the 1998 master settlement agreement between the tobacco industry and 46 states, Oklahoma voters in 2000 approved creating an endowment trust to protect the funds. such monies to the Office of the Attorney General. I don't get to vote, which will be the case for large numbers of Oklahomans, perhaps the vast majority. With the state likely facing a tight budget next year and the added costs of the expansion, David said the TSET funds will absolutely be used for Medicaid. State Question 805 is a criminal justice reform measure that would prohibit enhanced sentences based on prior felony convictions for repeat nonviolent offenders. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Oklahoma requires voters to present identification while voting.[20]. Taking funding from one public health program to fund another public health program doesn’t make sense when Oklahoma ranks so poorly in so many health metrics, Glanville said. font-weight:bold; State Question 814 would have switched the deposit percentages so that 25% of MSA payments would have been deposited in the TSET Fund and 75% would have been deposited in the Tobacco Settlement Fund. Of the total MSA payments to the state, 75% is deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) Fund— which was designed to fund tobacco use prevention and smoking cessation programs— and 25% is deposited into a special fund, the Tobacco Settlement Fund, which is subject to appropriation by the state legislature. [13], On January 30, 2020, the Trump Administration announced the Healthy Adult Opportunity (HAO) program, an optional program within Medicare and Medicaid that allows states to implement Medicaid programs in ways that would not otherwise be allowed under federal rules. .sbtotaltable th { Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt (R) announced SoonerCare 2.0, an expanded version of Medicaid under the HAO program, which would be funded 90% by the federal government and 10% by the state. If you’re not an Oklahoma government buff, you might not be familiar. “If we don’t have the money to fund Medicaid, we end up cutting education, we end up cutting transportation, we end up cutting public safety,” she said. .sbtotaltotal { Oklahoma MSA payments and TSET appropriations, Medicaid expansion and Medicaid funding ballot measures, legislatively referred constitutional amendment, Text of measure and constitutional changes, Oklahoma State Question 802, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (June 2020), Campaign finance requirements for Oklahoma ballot measures, Laws permitting noncitizens to vote in the United States, Oklahoma Voter Identification Measure, State Question 746 (2010), Oklahoma Governor's Office: State Question Information for November 3, 2020, https://publichealthlawcenter.org/sites/default/files/resources/MSA-Overview-2019.pdf, State and local government budgets, spending and finance‎, Petition drive deadlines and requirements, Changes in 2020 to laws governing the initiative process, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Oklahoma_State_Question_814,_Decrease_Tobacco_Settlement_Endowment_Trust_Fund_Deposits_and_Fund_Medicaid_Program_Amendment_(2020)&oldid=8276621, Referred amendment certified for the 2020 ballot, Tracking election Environment | You will be offered a voter registration application when you get your driver's license and when you apply for assistance at some government agencies. 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