the oxford textbook of medicine

Oxford Textbook of Medicine (Warrell, Oxford Textbook of Medicine)(3-Volume Set) 5th (fifth) Edition by Warrell, David A., Cox, Timothy M., Firth, John D. published by Oxford University Press, USA (2010) Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Bateman, Andrew J. Pollard, Buddha Basnyat, and David R. Murdoch, Christopher J. Danpure and Dawn S. Milliner, Mark Gurnell, Jacky Burrin, and V. Krishna Chatterjee, Aparna Pal, Niki Karavitaki, and John A. H. Wass, M. Cariati, L. Holmberg, J. Mansi, P. Parker, G. Pichert, S. Pinder, E. Sawyer, R. Wilson, and A. Purushotham, May Ching Soh, Kate Bramham, Sarah Germain, and Catherine Nelson-Piercy, A.E. editor Johnson (update of chapter written by G.D. Perkin), Antoniya Todorova, Vinod K. Metta, and K. Ray Chaudhuri, Siddharthan Chandran and Alastair Compston, Diederik van de Beek, Jeremy Farrar, and Guy E. Thwaites, Jeremy Farrar, Bridget Wills, Menno D. de Jong, and David A. Warrell, R.D.M. Except where otherwise stated, drug dosages and recommendations are for the non-pregnant adult who is not breastfeeding. Copyright © Vale, S.M. Craig, Mary J. Morrell, Julia Kelly, Alison McMillan, and Matthew Hind, Alexandra Nanzer-Kelly, Paul Cullinan, and Andrew Menzies-Gow, P.L. Unrivalled in its coverage of the scientific aspects and clinical practice of internal medicine and its … Hadden, P.K. It gives compreensive coverage of the epidemiology, aetiology, and mechanism of disease, … The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a pocket textbook aimed at medical students and junior doctors, and covers all aspects of clinical medicine. …It doesn’t … 2.3.3 Large-scale randomized evidence: trials and meta-analyses of trials, 2.4.1 The evaluation and provision of effective medicines, 2.4.2 Reasonableness and its definition in the provision of health care, 2.4.3 Priority setting in developed and developing countries, 2.4.4 Sustaining innovation in an era of specialized medicine, 2.5 Complementary and alternative medicine, 3 Global patterns of disease and medical practice, 3.1 Global burden of disease: causes, levels, and intervention strategies, 3.2 Human population size, environment, and health, 3.3 Avoiding disease and promoting health, 3.3.3 The importance of mass communication in promoting positive health, 3.4.1 The cost of health care in Western countries, 3.4.2 A sinister pathogen corrupts two disciplines: the demographic entrapment of Middle Africa, 4.7 Discovery of embryonic stem cells and the concept of regenerative medicine, 4.8 Stem cells and regenerative medicine, 5.5 Principles of transplantation immunology, 6.2 The nature and development of cancer, 6.4 Cancer immunity and clinical oncology, 6.5 Cancer: clinical features and management, 6.6 Cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy, 7.1 Pathogenic microorganisms and the host, 7.1.1 Biology of pathogenic microorganisms, 7.1.2 Physiological changes, clinical features, and general management of infected patients, 7.2 The patient with suspected infection, 7.2.4 Infection in the immunocompromised host, 7.5.2 Herpesviruses (excluding Epstein–Barr virus), 7.5.7 Nipah and Hendra virus encephalitides, 7.5.9 Virus infections causing diarrhoea and vomiting, 7.5.10 Rhabdoviruses: rabies and rabies-related lyssaviruses, 7.5.11 Colorado tick fever and other arthropod-borne reoviruses, 7.5.19 Papillomaviruses and polyomaviruses, 7.5.21 Hepatitis viruses (excluding hepatitis C virus), 7.5.25 HTLV-1, HTLV-2, and associated diseases, 7.6.9 Intracellular klebsiella infections (donovanosis and rhinoscleroma), 7.6.24 Botulism, gas gangrene, and clostridial gastrointestinal infections, 7.6.26 Disease caused by environmental mycobacteria, 7.6.35 Nonvenereal endemic treponematoses: yaws, endemic syphilis (bejel), and pinta, 7.6.38 Legionellosis and legionnaires’ disease, 7.6.46 A check list of bacteria associated with infection in humans, 7.8.8 Giardiasis, balantidiasis, isosporiasis, and microsporidiosis, 7.9.3 Guinea worm disease (dracunculiasis), 7.9.4 Strongyloidiasis, hookworm, and other gut strongyloid nematodes, 7.9.5 Gut and tissue nematode infections acquired by ingestion, 7.9.6 Parastrongyliasis (angiostrongyliasis), 7.10.4 Diphyllobothriasis and sparganosis, 7.13 Pentastomiasis (porocephalosis, linguatulosis/linguatuliasis), 8 Sexually transmitted diseases and sexual health, 8.1 Epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections, 9 Chemical and physical injuries and environmental factors and disease, 9.2 Injuries, envenoming, poisoning, and allergic reactions caused by animals, 9.3 Injuries, poisoning, and allergic reactions caused by plants, 9.4.1 Occupational and environmental health, 9.5.4 Diseases of high terrestrial altitudes, 9.5.8 Podoconiosis (nonfilarial elephantiasis), 9.5.12 Disasters: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and floods, 10.1 Principles of clinical pharmacology and drug therapy, 11.1 Nutrition: macronutrient metabolism, 11.4 Diseases of overnourished societies and the need for dietary change, 12.1 The inborn errors of metabolism: general aspects, 12.2 Protein-dependent inborn errors of metabolism, 12.3 Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, 12.3.2 Inborn errors of fructose metabolism, 12.3.3 Disorders of galactose, pentose, and pyruvate metabolism, 12.4 Disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism, 12.7.2 Inherited diseases of copper metabolism: Wilson’s disease and Menkes’ disease, 12.9 Disorders of peroxisomal metabolism in adults, 12.10 Hereditary disorders of oxalate metabolism—the primary hyperoxalurias, 12.11 Disturbances of acid–base homeostasis, 12.12 The acute phase response, amyloidoses and familial Mediterranean fever, 12.12.1 The acute phase response and C-reactive protein, 12.12.2 Hereditary periodic fever syndromes, 13.2 Disorders of the anterior pituitary gland, 13.3 Disorders of the posterior pituitary gland, 13.4 The thyroid gland and disorders of thyroid function, 13.6 Parathyroid disorders and diseases altering calcium metabolism, 13.9 Disorders of growth and development, 13.9.3 Normal and abnormal sexual differentiation, 13.10 Pancreatic endocrine disorders and multiple endocrine neoplasia, 13.12 Hormonal manifestations of nonendocrine disease, 14.1 Physiological changes of normal pregnancy, 14.3 Medical management of normal pregnancy, 14.9 Liver and gastrointestinal diseases in pregnancy, 14.14 Autoimmune rheumatic disorders and vasculitis in pregnancy, 14.16 Blood disorders specific to pregnancy, 14.19 Benefits and risks of oral contraception, 14.20 Benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy, 15.2 Symptomatology of gastrointestinal disease, 15.3 Methods for investigation of gastrointestinal disease, 15.3.1 Colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy, 15.3.3 Radiology of the gastrointestinal tract, 15.3.4 Investigation of gastrointestinal function, 15.4 Common acute abdominal presentations, 15.5 Immune disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, 15.9 Hormones and the gastrointestinal tract, 15.10.1 Differential diagnosis and investigation of malabsorption, 15.10.2 Small-bowel bacterial overgrowth, 15.10.7 Effects of massive small bowel resection, 15.10.8 Malabsorption syndromes in the tropics, 15.13 Irritable bowel syndrome and functional bowel disorders, 15.15 Congenital abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, 15.16 Cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, 15.19 Structure and function of the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas, 15.21 Hepatitis and autoimmune liver disease, 15.21.1 Viral hepatitis—clinical aspects, 15.22.6 Liver tumours—primary and secondary, 15.23 Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tree, 15.25 Congenital disorders of the liver, biliary tract, and pancreas, 15.26 Miscellaneous disorders of the bowel and liver, 16.1.1 Blood vessels and the endothelium, 16.1.2 Cardiac myocytes and the cardiac action potential, 16.2 Clinical presentation of heart disease, 16.2.1 Chest pain, breathlessness, and fatigue, 16.3 Clinical investigation of cardiac disorders, 16.3.3 Cardiac investigation—nuclear and other imaging techniques, 16.3.4 Cardiac catheterization and angiography, Epidemiology and general pathophysiological classification of heart failure, Acute cardiac failure: definitions, investigation, and management, Chronic heart failure: definitions, investigation, and management, 16.5.2 Cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory support, 16.7.2 The cardiomyopathies: hypertrophic, dilated, restrictive, and right ventricular, 16.9 Cardiac involvement in infectious disease, 16.11 Cardiac involvement in genetic disease, 16.12 Congenital heart disease in the adult, 16.13.1 Biology and pathology of atherosclerosis, 16.13.2 Coronary heart disease: epidemiology and prevention, 16.13.5 Management of acute coronary syndrome, 16.13.6 Percutaneous interventional cardiac procedures, 16.13.7 Cardiac bypass and valve surgery, 16.13.8 The impact of coronary heart disease on life and work, 16.15.1 Structure and function of the pulmonary circulation, 16.16.1 Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, 16.17.1 Essential hypertension—definition, epidemiology, and pathophysiology, 16.17.2 Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of essential hypertension, 16.17.4 Mendelian disorders causing hypertension, 16.17.5 Hypertensive urgencies and emergencies, 16.18 Chronic peripheral oedema and lymphoedema, 17.3 The clinical approach to the patient who is very ill, 17.4 Circulation and circulatory support in the critically ill, 17.6 Management of raised intracranial pressure, 17.7 Sedation and analgesia in the critically ill, 17.8 Discontinuing treatment of the critically ill patient, 18.2 The clinical presentation of respiratory disease, 18.3 Clinical investigation of respiratory disorders, 18.3.3 Bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, and tissue biopsy, 18.4.1 Upper respiratory tract infections, 18.4.4 Pulmonary complications of HIV infection, 18.5.2 Sleep-related disorders of breathing, 18.8 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 18.11.1 Diffuse parenchymal lung disease: an introduction, 18.11.3 Bronchiolitis obliterans and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, 18.11.4 The lung in autoimmune rheumatic disorders, 18.14.1 Pulmonary haemorrhagic disorders, 18.14.3 Lymphocytic infiltrations of the lung, 18.14.5 Pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis, 18.14.10 Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis, 18.18 Disorders of the thoracic cage and diaphragm, 19.1 Structure and function: joints and connective tissue, 19.2 Clinical presentation and diagnosis of rheumatic disease, 19.6 Ankylosing spondylitis, other spondyloarthritides, and related conditions, 19.11 Autoimmune rheumatic disorders and vasculitides, 19.11.2 Systemic lupus erythematosus and related disorders, 19.11.4 Polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis, 19.11.7 Polymyositis and dermatomyositis, 19.12 Miscellaneous conditions presenting to the rheumatologist, 20.1 Skeletal disorders—general approach and clinical conditions, 20.2 Inherited defects of connective tissue: Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, and pseudoxanthoma elasticum, 20.5 Osteonecrosis, osteochondrosis, and osteochondritis dissecans, 21 Disorders of the kidney and urinary tract, 21.1 Structure and function of the kidney, 21.2.1 Disorders of water and sodium homeostasis, 21.2.2 Disorders of potassium homeostasis, 21.3 Clinical presentation of renal disease, 21.4 Clinical investigation of renal disease, 21.8.1 Immunoglobulin A nephropathy and Henoch–Schönlein purpura, 21.8.3 Minimal-change nephropathy and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, 21.8.6 Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, 21.8.7 Antiglomerular basement membrane disease, 21.9.2 Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, 21.10.1 Diabetes mellitus and the kidney, 21.10.2 The kidney in systemic vasculitis, 21.10.3 The kidney in rheumatological disorders, 21.10.4 Renal involvement in plasma cell dyscrasias, immunoglobulin-based amyloidoses, and fibrillary glomerulopathies, lymphomas, and leukaemias, 21.10.6 Sickle-cell disease and the kidney, 21.10.7 Infection-associated nephropathies, 21.10.8 Malignancy-associated renal disease, 21.10.9 Atherosclerotic renovascular disease, 21.12 Renal involvement in genetic disease, 21.14 Disorders of renal calcium handling, urinary stones, and nephrocalcinosis, 21.16 Disorders of tubular electrolyte handling, 21.18 Malignant diseases of the urinary tract, 22.3 The leukaemias and other bone marrow disorders, 22.3.1 Cell and molecular biology of human leukaemias, 22.3.11 Aplastic anaemia and pure red cell aplasia, 22.3.12 Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria, 22.4 The white cells and lymphoproliferative disorders, 22.4.2 Introduction to the lymphoproliferative disorders, 22.5.1 Erythropoiesis and the normal red cell, 22.5.2 Anaemia: pathophysiology, classification, and clinical features, 22.5.3 Anaemia as a challenge to world health, 22.5.4 Iron metabolism and its disorders, 22.5.6 Megaloblastic anaemia and miscellaneous deficiency anaemias, 22.5.7 Disorders of the synthesis or function of haemoglobin, 22.5.8 Anaemias resulting from defective maturation of red cells, 22.5.9 Haemolytic anaemia—congenital and acquired, 22.5.10 Disorders of the red cell membrane, 22.5.12 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, 22.6.1 The biology of haemostasis and thrombosis, 22.6.2 Evaluation of the patient with a bleeding tendency, 22.6.3 Disorders of platelet number and function, 22.8.2 Haemopoietic stem cell transplantation, 23.2 Clinical approach to the diagnosis of skin disease, 23.7 Cutaneous vasculitis, connective tissue diseases, and urticaria, 23.11 Sebaceous and sweat gland disorders, 23.12 Blood and lymphatic vessel disorders, 24.1 Introduction and approach to the patient with neurological disease, 24.2 Mind and brain: building bridges linking neurology, psychiatry, and psychology, 24.3 Clinical investigation of neurological disease, 24.3.2 Electrophysiology of the central and peripheral nervous systems, 24.3.4 Investigation of central motor pathways: magnetic brain stimulation, 24.4.1 Disturbances of higher cerebral function, 24.4.2 Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, 24.5 Epilepsy and disorders of consciousness, 24.5.1 Epilepsy in later childhood and adulthood, 24.5.6 Brain death and the vegetative state, 24.7.1 Subcortical structures: the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and thalamus, 24.7.2 Parkinsonism and other extrapyramidal diseases, 24.7.3 Movement disorders other than Parkinson’s disease, 24.10 Specific conditions affecting the central nervous system, 24.10.2 Demyelinating disorders of the central nervous system, 24.10.5 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, 24.11 Infections of the central nervous system, 24.13.2 Spinal cord injury and its management, 24.14 Diseases of the autonomic nervous system, 24.17 Inherited neurodegenerative diseases, 24.18 Developmental abnormalities of the central nervous system, 24.19 Acquired metabolic disorders and the nervous system, 24.20 Neurological complications of systemic disease, 24.21 Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes, 24.22 Autoimmune limbic encephalitis and Morvan’s syndrome, 24.23 Disorders of the neuromuscular junction, 24.24.1 Structure and function of muscle, 24.24.4 Metabolic and endocrine disorders, 24.24.5 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathies, 26.2 Taking a psychiatric history from a medical patient, 26.5 Psychiatric disorders as they concern the physician, 26.5.1 Grief, stress, and post-traumatic stress disorder, 26.5.2 The patient who has attempted suicide, 26.5.3 Medically unexplained symptoms in patients attending medical clinics, 26.5.4 Chronic fatigue syndrome (postviral fatigue syndrome, neurasthenia, and myalgic encephalomyelitis), 26.5.7 Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and personality disorder, 26.6.1 Psychopharmacology in medical practice, 26.6.2 Psychological treatment in medical practice, 26.7.2 Brief interventions against excessive alcohol consumption, 27.1 Forensic medicine and the practising doctor, 32.1 Biochemistry in medicine—reference intervals: the use of biochemical analysis for diagnosis and management, Transthoracic anatomy and pathology: valves Videos, Transthoracic anatomy and pathology: chambers and vessels Videos, Transoesophageal anatomy and pathology: valves Videos, Transoesophageal anatomy and pathology: chambers and vessels Videos. 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