a beautiful life chinese movie ending explained

Li Peiru is anything but likable when she's drunk, but not only is she strikingly beautiful, there's also a charming vulnerability that Fang Zhendong can't resist... he's spent most of his life caring for his handicapped brother and serving the public, so selfless giving just comes naturally to him, at least until a brain injury sustained in the line of duty begins to affect his behavior. And one day, in her drunkedness, barfs on a loyal but lonely police officer named Feng Zhendong. 24 Oct. 2020. The son, now an adult, narrates: "This is the sacrifice my father made for me.". This touching romantic drama is about much more than two individuals finding each other and overcoming their personal problems, it also deals with the more…. The only positive things I can say about A Beautiful Life pertain to the first half. I'd even make love to you now... right here for the rest of my life. They go and hug. Mobile site. 2011 Get listed in the most prominent screenplays collection on the web! He needs to look after Zhencong. A Beautiful Life flips around old Hong Kong movie tropes. More details at But sadly, A Beautiful Life never really shows us. I eventually warmed up to Taiwanese actor Shu Qi, as well. The last winner was Sophia Loren. Addresses are not passed on to any third party, and are used solely for direct communication from this site. OH MY DAYSSS nah God forbid!? Write your screenplay and focus on the story with many helpful features. on the left side of the screen. The drama ended with Bo Song winning during the swimming competition. His unexpecting Oscar win for "Best Actor" marked only the second time that an actor had directed himself in an Academy Award winning performance. https://www.scripts.com/script/a_beautiful_life_13604. And one day, in her drunkedness, barfs on a loyal but lonely police officer named Feng Zhendong. The original list seems to have gone, so here's a replacement list which I'm sure many will find helpful. The film transports you into Beijing through the lens of theses two flawed characters. Separate from membership, this is to get updates about mistakes in recent releases. At dawn, Guido's son exits his hideout to witness an Allied tank, what he believes to be the prize of the game, drives through the camp. IMDb The film is not so great in its flow of story or acting. i didn’t come here for this!! There's a good and moving story somewhere crushed under bad acting and haphazard narrative flow. A Beautiful Life Synopsis: A beautiful real-estate agent (Peiru) gets drunk at a karaoke bar and throws up on a principled, lonely cop (Zhendong). What room are you in? "A Beautiful Life" Scripts.com. Master list of every film I've seen from the entire Asian continent, from West to East to South. A Beautiful Life has the same South Korean melodrama style as Daisy, but it gets a little bit too much about an hour into it. During this scene, Guido places the pillow directly on top of the steering wheel, and in the following shots, you don't see the actual steering wheel; only the stick. Just cut the spiel. When asked during the interview by the press what was his motivation for winning the gold, Bo Song gently pulled Xiao Xi towards him and said “Because of her” much to Jiang Chen’s shock and jealousy Episode 8 I watched just because I love Shu Qi. Dong, you're too fussy. By the end of the movie I felt like I was watching a totally different story complete with a change of scenery, atmosphere, and emotion that you didn’t think she’d ever bring. Jiang Chen was rather touched. Let him go. "Alcohol is bad. . All rights reserved. A Beautiful Life is a Chinese romance film about a lonely, flirtatious materialistic girl, named Li Peiru, who tends to drink too much and is responsible for an affair with a married man. TMDb Lion King needs to break for lunch. © Letterboxd Limited. Disclaimer: I have no effective way of tracking what…, My Asian films/anime series/concert collection, expanding constantly. To know when people like your submissions, answer your questions, reply to you, etc., please. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Or, considering the plot in A Beatuiful Life, I could'd rewatched A Moment to Remember. Liu Ye might be my new favorite Chinese actor. Film data from TMDb. Report this film, me: i really am in a mood to watch something angsty and maybe a little sad you knowme after the angsty and sad movie: don’t you think it was a bit too much????? ‘不再让你孤单’ Starring: Giorgio Cantarini, Giustino Durano, Nicoletta Braschi, A few days before the end of the war, The Nazis liquidate the concentration camp in which Guido and his son stay. A beautiful love story about love and acceptance. Zhendong quickly falls for the flirtatious Peiru despite the fact that she's having a tortuous affair with a married man. Contact me | Privacy policy | Join the mailing list | Links. An odd change of pace for Lau, this romantic drama starts out really strong but peters out into very sappy melodrama by the end. Guido: I forgot to tell you.Dora: Go ahead.Guido: You can't imagine how much I feel like making love to you. Work is tough; Peiru entertains clients constantly and has become near-alcoholic in her zeal to close those deals. - What a lovely first half - so charming, fun and refreshing, - Solid slow burn romance that was actually somewhat convincing (I HATE Hollywood films that have 16 year olds saying 'I love you' after about three encounters and actually don't know jack shit what they're talking about *cough cough Everything, Everything cough cough*), Cons:- As soon as the protagonists get together it becomes a melodramatic, chessy mess that I wasn't expecting --> would have preferred more subtlety, - A very dramatic female lead (It's a bit of a pet peeve but I couldn't deal with all her screaming though that side of her disappears as soon…. No. Stay. You think women can only climb onto a bed? I've tried to keep it as exhaustive as possible.…, Want to watch a film from Hong Kong and need some help figuring out the perfect film for your current…, Literally just a list of movies available on Netflix. I don't mind it though, I'm a sucker for MeloDrama and Shu Qi. But there is emotion and it manages to keep your attention. (The ending, on the other hand, is a lovely, fantastical denouement straight out of Frank Borzage.) Movie Reviews- 'A Beautiful Life'- In Booming Beijing, A Bad Girl Meets A Good Cop Action director Andrew Lau slows his usual pace in A Beautiful Life, a … Thanks for your vote! We truly appreciate your support. He quickly falls in love with her, even after learning about her relationship with a married man. the director couldn’t even give my guy a smol W? This song is out. Benigni also became the first actor to win a best actor oscar for an non-English speaking role. His unexpecting Oscar win for "Best Actor" marked only the second time that an actor had directed himself in an Academy Award winning performance. Ending / spoiler for Life is Beautiful (1997), plus mistakes, quotes, trivia and more. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Changed my mind though, and watched this one instead by the same director. Ever since they met at school, Li Ansheng 李安生 (Zhou Dongyu 周冬雨) and Lin Qiyue 林七月 (Ma Sichun 馬思純) have been best friends. The chinese world also has charm to it which attaches to the film. And from there the story goes. Liu Ye Anthony Wong Shu Qi Tian Liang Feng Danying Sa Rina Zhang Songwen Tian Gao Andrew Lin, 124 mins   It's hard setting up this gathering. A couple of scenarios were almost the ultimate tragedies for a new wife, but then the outcomes end up on a happy note, almost seeming too good to be true and taking me out of the moment but still...I think this is the first Chinese movie that has made me cry. The last winner was Sophia Loren. The other was Laurence Olivier for Hamlet (1948). Running Time: 110 minutes 3/5. A good starter for those new to chinese cinema. A Beautiful Life is a Chinese romance film about a lonely, flirtatious materialistic girl, named Li Peiru, who tends to drink too much and is responsible for an affair with a married man. The first half…. Dong, get with the times. I'll take you back. All Cindy Tang scripts | Cindy Tang Scripts. Funny thing is that Jung Woo-Sung is starring in that one just as in Daisy...…, The influence of South Korean melodrama hovers strongly over this sappy romance about alcoholism and dementia, but I was moved anyway thanks to the talents of Shu Qi and especially Liu Ye, who’s steadily becoming one of my favorite Chinese actors. I'd have to be crazy to tell you. Unfortunately the film suffers from some anti-Hong Kong bias that comes across as…. When he puts the pillow on top of it for her to use as an umbrella, you don't see the hardware. Benigni also became the first actor to win a best actor oscar for an non-English speaking role. He fails to find her after avoiding all the Nazis around, but as he comes back, he's discovered by a soldier and led to a nearby alley. Guido is executed moments before the Nazis leave the camp. 有時還是要看一些比較爛的片男女主角的結識幾乎都是巧合兩個主演厲害;舒淇的演技還是略有浮誇後半段講述二人面對的困難比前面好看美術和攝影可以更好吧...編劇不斷製造困難,場面節奏也控制得好--- 「遲到早退」. Atleast I know she always gives her hundred percent even on stories that are cringey af. Mr Ko. Shu Qi was excellent in this film, but the plot was unforgivably cringeworthy. But I'll never tell anyone, especially not you. You two go ahead. 故事講述一位香港女子佩如(舒淇飾)隻身到北京工作,從事地產業,接觸的大部份是品流複雜的人,某天酒醉後偶遇一位北京巡警方鎮東(劉燁飾),一直與有婦之夫糾纏不清的佩如,每當寂寞時便會找鎮東來陪她,因為鎮東從來也沒有佔過她便宜,給了她十足的信心。鎮東一直也支持著佩如,不論是金錢或是感情支柱也好,鎮東完全沒有吝嗇。最後當佩如在北京一敗塗地毅然回港後,竟發現最愛的是鎮東,於是她決定重返北京與鎮東一起生活。豈料當她回北京後卻發現鎮東竟然失蹤了,當她決心要與鎮東渡過餘生後,帶來給她的是意料之外的重重考驗, 放長假就喜歡燃燒青春,又通一個頂,回想起前陣子跟友人打完通宵麻雀,小睡兩小時就上班工作,下班後即慶跟友人進戲院看了這部「不再讓你孤單」。心想以這個狀態去看這部片必定會倒頭大睡,可是,這兩個小時我連一個呵欠也沒有打過!雖然遲了點打,但還是想跟大家推介一下,遲些購買影碟回家慢慢觀看哦!, 電影一開始來一首已經無人不曉的「Nobody」實在搶耳,也像是在告訴我這部片有跟上潮流,之後舒淇便開始給力,多場酒醉的戲實在演得很棒,看到她身體語言,表情,說話語氣,實在太神啦!說實在,從前沒有特別喜歡舒淇,覺得她廣東話說得不正,只有一雙厚唇,沒什麼特別,但看過這電影便開始愛上她,欣賞她的演技!我心想只有她在國語對白內加插幾句半咸淡廣東話才有這個效果,觀眾會親切地想笑並且不覺得突兀!至於男主角劉燁一開始只是演個平傭忠直的木獨警察,戲份及焦點目光都給舒淇搶光,可是到後半部開始給力搶回一板,與事發前簡直判若兩人!劉燁跟舒淇的火花,讓我看得十分投入,更成功地感動到我,雖然我一向眼淺,但好像沒有試過看一部電影三次落淚!, 李佩如:「就算你忘了我的名字,我也不會離開你」方鎮東:「如果我連自己都忘了,我還能愛你嗎?」, 除了男女主角,配角黃秋生同樣搶鏡,每次出場也帶一些驚喜!另一男配角(還是第二男主角?)是飾演弟弟的田亮(我竟然可以認出他耶!),演得也不錯,在劉燁旁邊也不覺被比下去,他那條愛情線也同樣令人感動。, 是我比較少看愛情悲劇,還是現在愛情喜劇氾濫?平時的愛情悲劇節奏總會比較慢,帶點悶的感覺,這部雖然有點長,但我不覺得悶,功勞大概歸於演員的魅力及演技吧!劇本也是交足功課,電影大可在重逢一刻完結,卻又再添上婚禮,再添丁,再繼續發展,而且電影所談論的不單單止於愛情,更有友情及親情,利用多個強烈對比令觀眾感受更深,電影實在豐富!, 香港與內地的合拍電影給我有種先入為主的「不良」感覺,加上愛情片種更加感到會是又慢又悶,雖然之前「單身男女」挺成功,頗適合香港觀眾口味,但還是不能作準!看幾個月前同樣由古天樂主演的「一路有你」票房仆直便知道沒有人夠膽看。這部電影出奇地令人討好,更令我感動,心裡一邊說劇情發展很土,卻又依然被感動流淚,肉緊故事的發展,希望方鎮東沒有事,希望再次受傷會令之前的怪症康復(雖然會暗罵這是電線劇的老土Happy Ending,但還想如此,令自己看得舒服一點). Director Andrew Lau exhibits an intelligent filmmaking sense, too, relying on medium shots and long takes that help to showcase the actors’ abilities; one extended shot, wherein Liu suffers a breakdown in the presence of his former police colleagues, is a minor masterpiece that bears comparison to Cassavetes’s actorly-oriented cinema. this film is an example of sadploitation. I can't sing this song. The other was Laurence Olivier for Hamlet (1948). They'd have to torture me to make me say it.Dora: Say what?Guido: That I want to make love to you - not just once, but over and over again!

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