famous italian movies

L’Inferno (Franceso Bertolini, Giuseppe de Liguoro & Adoldo Padovan, 1911). These are the stories of losers, men resigned to a terrible fate. The Communist and Socialist themes present in this film were also influential, causing many after to use the injustices of Italy to promote their political agenda. All rights reserved. "one of the genuine treasures of world cinema who, in a career rich with memorable performances, has added permanent luster to our art form. Horror icon Barbara Steele stars as both the unassuming maiden and her ancestor, the ancient witch who is waiting to exact revenge on the citizens of the area. This list focuses on Italian-born editors. This is the most “Italo-American” movie of this list not just because the production is partially American, but because the director Tornatore conceives the film as a kind of blockbuster, but one of great refinement. Their artistic and heavily stylized spin on the classic genre became highly influential worldwide. Director Paolo Sorrentino, after directing Sean Penn in “This Must Be The Place”, stages a raw portrayal of Italy and Rome, where the glories and the blinding beauty of the past conflict with the decadence of modernity. The film follows Antonio Ricci, the struggling father who is trying to provide for his wife and young son. This movie attempts to adapt the story of the American novel “Human Capital” by Stephen Amidon, set in Massachusetts, and turn it into a harsh criticism of Italian society. This list focuses on Italian-born directors. Instead, it will mean death for her and her son as they are confined to a psychiatric hospital, blocked off completely from the rest of the world. 1. Il postino (The Postman) Michael Radford, 1994. And so he is ready to return to writing. Following up on Bicycle Thieves, De Sica made his next great achievement which marked the end of the Neorealist genre. This list focuses on Italian-born art directors. Just as the rise of the politician is unstoppable, so is his decision to exclude from his life both Ida and their son Benito Albino. The three years it took to make this film contributed greatly to the development of cinema as a whole, showing the world what could be accomplished on the large screen. If one had to sum up the whole movie in one sentence, it would be “This is life, and you cannot change it.”. The goal of this list is to analyze the path of slow recovery that Italian cinema has undergone in the last 30 years, considering both internationally-recognized films and independent works. This list focuses on Italian-born producers/directors. As the Gestapo try to crack down on the resistance movement they kill and torture those in their way, leaving little hope for Rome. Horror master Mario Bava created this seminal piece of the Italian horror genre that became a worldwide hit. 6. First Italian Production Nominated for Best Documentary. Shared with. IMBD score: 7.7/10 “Simple Italian postman learns to love poetry while delivering mail to a famous poet; … 4. Full of complex scenes and elaborate design, the vision and creativity in this film in ahead of its time. The film follows Dante’s tale through Hell quite loosely, mostly focusing on the visuals and nightmarish images of the engravings made by Gustave Dore. After the 1970s, Italian cinema has still been strong, producing great film directors such as Roberto Begnini and Giuseppe Tornatore. Following their success, much more graphic exploitation horror films by directors like Lucio Fulci and Ruggero Deodato created lots of controversy around Italian cinema due to offensive and distasteful material. And, for these reasons, the film can be defined as neo-realistic: each character seems to move with his own autonomy and believes himself innocent without knowing that his actions are, in fact, guided by events beyond his control. Mastroianni’s character, for instance, is a father who has to provide for his child while his wife is in jail. One morning, Jep learns of the death of Elisa, his first youthful love. This incident, coupled with the advent of his 65th birthday, leads him to a deep and melancholic reflection on his life as he undertakes a long meditation on himself and the world around him. This list details the performances of Italian filmmakers, actors, and films that have either been nominated or have won an Academy Award. First Italian actress to win for Best Actress. Thais is not the most famous Italian films, but it is one of the most important, setting the stage early for inventive cinema worldwide. When the bike gets stolen on the first day, Antonio and his son go on a desperate journey through Rome trying to track down the bicycle, only to have their hopes repeatedly crushed and their poverty shoved in their face. The success of their films carried through until the 1960s, but its presence was felt in Italian cinema throughout the following decades. The protagonist of the movie is Jep Gambardella (portrayed by the amazing Toni Servillo), a bored intellectual who is steadily involved in the social events of a decadent Rome. Five stories are woven together in this film set in Naples’ criminal underworld. Probably the most discussed Italian movie of recent years, The Great Beauty was beloved by foreign critics (receiving an Oscar and Golden Globe in 2014) but harshly attacked by Italian critics. Others like De Sica and Mario Monicelli developed the commedia all’italiana film style which combined comedy and important themes. This list focuses on Italian-born costume designers. This movie attempts to adapt the story of the American novel “Human Capital” by Stephen Amidon, set in Massachusetts, and turn it into a harsh criticism of Italian society. The film was immensely popular internationally and helped invent the modern theater system, making investors see film as a profitable enterprise. This is a list of Italian Academy Award winners and nominees.This list details the performances of Italian filmmakers, actors, and films that have either been nominated or have won an Academy Award.After the United States and the United Kingdom, Italy has the most Academy Awards wins. One of the most influential Italian films ever made, Rome, Open City is a emotional and realistic commentary of the war and politics. (As Garrone states in a gruesome statistic that appears in the closing credits: the Mafia gangs have killed 4000 people in thirty years.) Limiting each director to two entries, the list below covers all the important genres and eras of Italian film, capturing the both the similarities and variation in Italy’s cinematic output. This list focuses on songs by Italian-born composers and/or lyricists. In this category, Italian films have 28 nominations, 11 wins, and 3 honorary awards. The new style of this and other Italian Futurist films inspired other movements of cinema worldwide, notably the Russian industry and the German Expressionists. Won 1 Oscar & another 29 wins & 18 nominations. What happened to Italian cinema? The wonderful cinematography, melancholy and touching dialogue, and an excellent soundtrack make the film a true masterpiece. Constantly building tension towards key events, the film provides many terrifying moments, making Black Sunday not only an innovative and masterfully crafted film, but a chilling and effective horror story as well that directly influenced the following Giallo movement. Through all this, however, one finds a very interesting idea that considers psychiatry and psychoanalysis and that studies the relationship between power and the masses. It is also a very powerful exploration of aging and how the younger generations sometimes neglect the well being of their elders. ), yet he still succeeded in developing his own style without forgetting his origins. But more important than the plot is the characterization of the protagonists, who manage to make a perfect satirical portrait of modern Italy. Taste of Cinema 2019. Italy has been involved in film since the origins in the early 1900s and were highly influential to the development of cinema with the Futurist movement. From neo-realist masterpieces by Visconti and De Sica to Fellini, from the westerns by Sergio Leone to the birth of Italian noir, the cinema of “the beautiful country” has always been at the vanguard. The film traces the tormented and unrequited love of Ida Dalser for the young Benito Mussolini. Director Paolo Virzì grew up with a sharp awareness of movements in Italian comedic film (as seen in the work of Scarpelli, Monicelli, etc. The terrific performance by both Carlo Battisti and his dog Flike as well as a rousing score make the film one of the most emotionally affecting commentaries on society. This list focuses on Italian-born producers. But the strength of the film the impact of its encouraging message to the viewer: the pure and uncontaminated love of two young guys, hardly even aware of each other and perhaps the most innocent characters, is a glimmering ray of light in this dark portrait of Italian society. Filled with many depressing scenes and few happy moments, Umberto D. is a challenging and down-to-earth analysis of class, age and happiness. The film also discusses the complex relationship between father and son, and the traditional values of manhood such as providing for a family. Garrone gives great thought and attention to this land, portrayed in its degraded and immoral essence through the disillusioned eyes of Scampia’s children; these kids are acutely aware of the terrible truth that there will be no redemption. This is a list of Italian Academy Award winners and nominees. ", "in recognition of his place as one of the cinema's master visual stylists. As society forgets about Umberto, he finds less and less reason for him to live. The atmosphere of the film, however, is the most impressive maintaining an unsettling, creepy feeling throughout. Bicycle Thieves (Vittorio De Sica, 1948) Vittorio De Sica’s most famous and celebrated film is a pure, human masterpiece in the Neorealist genre. Rome, Open City (Roberto Rossellini, 1945). Italian cinema certainly has a great history behind it, and it is not always easy to live up to that legacy. This early cinematic gem from the Italian Futurist movement is one of the most visually dazzling and artistic of the beginning years of cinema. As usual in Bellocchio’s films, there is a great importance attributed to the role of “father”. This list focuses on Italian-born screenplay writers, This list focuses on Italian-born honorees, (shared with William V. Skall and Winton Hoch), "List of Italian Academy Award winners and nominees", Learn how and when to remove this template message, Divorce Italian Style (Divorzio all'italiana), Seven Beauties (Pasqualino Settebellezze), Juliet of the Spirits (Giulietta degli spiriti), Brother Sun, Sister Moon (Fratello sole, sorella luna), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Divorce, Italian Style (Divorzio all'italiana), The Battle of Algiers (La battaglia di Algeri), Last Tango in Paris (Ultimo tango a Parigi), List of Italian submissions for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, Best Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis (Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini), Fellini's Casanova (Il Casanova di Federico Fellini), (Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto), Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), Foreign-language noms in other categories, Submissions for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, Submissions for Best Animated Short Academy Award, Animated feature noms in other categories, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Italian_Academy_Award_winners_and_nominees&oldid=975086770, Academy Award winners and nominees by nationality or region, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking sources from January 2011, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. He reflects on immigrants who travel each day, finding happiness on their arrival to other places, where they will perpetuate their folklore, customs and culture.

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