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About a week before he killed Versace, Cunanan pawned a gold coin stolen from Lee Miglin. Dale Barsness: It was noticeable as soon as you'd open the door and walk in … nobody made any effort to try and conceal it or hide it. Carlos Noriega: I was disappointed. Police press conference: We consider Andrew Cunanan to be armed and to be extremely dangerous. The investigation into what happened would uncover a killer who thrived on attention and was willing to kill friends. Why was she murdered by her husband Chris Watts? We're still goin' all the way through. The fashion designer spoke openly about his sexuality in an interview two years before his death. Richard Schlesinger: Show me how he pointed the gun at you if I'm you. She didn't know it, but Cunanan's killing spree had already begun. He battled this cancer successfully and then began to pass much of his business responsibilities onto his family. Carlos Noriega: [Standing In front of mansion]: As he was putting the key in the door lock, he was … shot twice, once in the face, point-blank range, and the other one was behind the left ear in the neck and that was a through and through shot. Detectives soon learned Cunanan had been in Miami Beach for about two months. Police had missed several opportunities to get him. The story of Cunanan’s murderous spree landed on television in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. He was destroyed. How'd the pawn shop know it was him? It lies on a barrier island between Biscayne Bay (west) and the Atlantic Ocean (east), just east of Miami. By Julie Mille r. He met his future wife, Mary Ann Schillaci, at a bar in 1961. Richard Schlesinger: Must drive you nuts to know that this guy was walking around free as a bird --. Gianni was right here. Richard Schlesinger: You came down this street with the police officer? His company had expanded to produce clothing for men, women, and children, as well as handbags, precious jewelry, perfume, and items for the home. Quintana was at the mansion that morning. I think they knew each other … or he wanted to be in his circle, and maybe he was rejected. Five days before he was murdered, Gianni Versace and his partner, Antonio D''Amico had arrived at Casa Casuarina, their lavish Miami Beach retreat. Richard Schlesinger: Did David ever mention Andrew Cunanan? Robert Arends: I had no idea who his mom was, his dad, whether he had brothers or sisters. Police believe Cunanan took that gun. …I remember … going to different locations, knocking on doors … and it always crosses your mind that -- Cunanan can be in there armed. There were tire tracks near Madson's body, and his car, a red Jeep, was missing. On Monday, she was surprised when he didn't show up at work. Lazaro Quintana: Scared, cautious, lookin' over my shoulder a lot. Corrections? Julie Hovland: We learned that David died pretty soon after Jeff Trail … Oh my gosh -- you know, to be in that situation that David was in with this crazy person, you know, and how scary for him … I am sure he tried to calm Andrew down … you know, I mean I'm sure there was survival mode going on, like "how do you diffuse that situation?" He remembered seeing a police officer there earlier. He eventually came to live in the Chicago area with his wife, Marilyn. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function() { Robert Arends | Cunanan's former classmate: I thought he'd be a very successful businessman or maybe in …the fashion industry, or just something really … something star-quality like. It was on the second floor of this houseboat alongside Collins Avenue in Miami Beach, Fla., that Andrew Cunanan fatally shot himself. In 1978, Gianni Versace had a vision for a new fashion line and opened his first boutique in Milan., The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Dramatic Cruise Ship Brawl Video: “Cruise from Hell”, 10 Best True Crime Documentaries That Will Keep Your Eyes on the Screen. We talked about world issues. Cunanan had gained weight and given away much of his expensive designer wardrobe. They got a break from Lazaro Quintana, who was a friend of Versace's. Nicole Murray-Ramirez: I surmise that Andrew, one day, woke up after his older boyfriend … broke up the relationship and [wondered] "What's next?" …He basically held the United States hostage because we were looking for him everywhere, we didn't know where he was. And he can shoot through the door. Lazaro Quintana: And then Antonio came and he's crying and … He was destroyed. But Andrew Cunanan stood out. Richard Schlesinger: They said he went in here? He was a wealthy real estate developer. Police across the country were already hunting for Andrew Cunanan for the murders of four others. Omissions? So, that's when I told the officer. Michael Williams believes his friend knew Cunanan had lived a dangerous life. Jeff was pretty conservative and you know quiet, always helping people. Det. But what was Cunanan's connection to Versace? Says Tim Gunn: "One of the most iconic Versace pieces was the gown he made for Elizabeth Hurley. Antonio said, "Go get him. "I opened up my computer and it flashed before me that Gianni had been murdered. Michael Band | Former Miami-Dade prosecutor: I think the police … were getting anxious. Michael Band: …he looks up. Remember, Versace's friend, Lazaro Quintana, had chased Cunanan. Retired Minneapolis Detective Dale Barsness says William Reese was killed simply for his truck. According to police, Miglin’s jacket, wristwatch, and $2,000 had been stolen from his home, along with his car. Richard Schlesinger: Do you think that he went to Minneapolis with murder on his mind? He then headed to Miami, Florida. Carlos Noriega: I drove over to the scene, and … encountered -- an area just flooded -- with police officers. Oh, yeah. Versace designed throughout the 1980s and ’90s and built a fashion empire by producing ensembles that oozed sensuality and sexuality. Lee Miglin was the third victim of serial killer Andrew Cunanan. Versace was world famous and well loved in Miami Beach. Michael Williams:  I think everybody was in a state of shock. …And then, we heard over the radio the commotion and -- and, OK, now there is a manhunt. To this day, police don't know what, if any, connection Cunanan had to Miglin. This murder got Cunanan on the list of the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted fugitives. Lazaro Quintana demonstrates how Gianni Versace's killer pointed a gun at him. ...Princess Diana wanted a whole new 'look' for the world and Courtney Love did also. [Why] the folks in -- in Minnesota? Julie Hovland was David Madson's friend and coworker. Lazaro Quintana: I was afraid. Lazaro Quintana: And they pointed. But I didn't know who he was. More than 20 years after his death, the House of Versace continues to succeed, led by Gianni's sister, Donatella, and brother Santo. Michael Williams: No. Michael Williams: The day that he got in the car to leave… I said "please be safe" and he reached under the seat and he pulled out his handgun.

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