why does the french foreign legion march slower

Légionnaire, tu es un volontaire, servant la France avec honneur et fidélité. Within the French Army, the Legion remains the only unit keeping the tradition of old-fashioned, bearded pioneers-sappers. The 1er RE is the Legion’s only regiment with its own traditional pioneer platoon, composed of at least 3 NCOs and 36 ordinary legionnaires. The Legion marches at only 88 steps per minute, much slower than the 120 steps per minute of all other French military units. The first recruits came from a variety of countries and it originally consisted of one regiment. Les Pionniers de la Légion étrangère. MARCHE DE LA LÉGION ÉTRANGÈRE - LE BOUDINLe Boudin is the official march of the French Foreign Legion. Nevertheless, the Legion gets the most enthusiastic response from the crowd. Such motto perfectly meets those ideas. Les chevrons d’ancienneté. In 1946, a green tie has became an inseparable part of the Parade Dress Uniform. The Legion marches at only 88 steps per minute, much slower than the 120 steps per minute of all other French military units. Consequently, the Legion contingent at the Bastille Day military parade march brings up the rear. Honneur et Fidélité. Each gold chevron represents five years of service passed in the Legion. This page is updated regularly. Ordinary legionnaires and non-commissioned officers wear them on parade uniforms. The second long-used motto of the French Foreign Legion. The private thesis of the Foreign Legion Info website’s admin is that we should search the origins of the motto in the large reorganization of the Legion in 1920-21. From the outset, the legion is shown to have been made up of mostly foreigners, including bands of native warriors from the French colonies. Valeur et Discipline. New updates are reported here. The Legion marches at only 88 steps per minute, much slower than the 120 steps per minute of all other French military units. Les trois chevrons verts de la Légion étrangère. The current thesis says that the motto has probably been used within the Legion since the 1850s, when the 2nd Foreign Legion (Swiss Legion) was integrated into the original Foreign Legion. Three green chevrons represent the Foreign Legion. In this ordinance, in Article 3, there is a sentence: “The buttons will be yellow and will carry the words Légion étrangère“. Respectueux des traditions, attaché à tes chefs, la discipline et la camaraderie sont ta force, le courage et la loyauté tes vertus. The Swiss Legion merged with the original one in 1856 and the green uniform was forbiden in 1859. In Paris on July 14, 1939, the white kepis (khaki kepis with a removal white cover) were officially used by legionnaires in the parade for the first time. They wear large beards and the traditional Foreign Legion Pioneers uniform, including leather aprons and axes. The Pioneers (or Sappers) are a popular, traditional unit of the Foreign Legion. The mission is sacred, you carry it out until the end and, if necessary in the field, at the risk of your life. There were several pioneer companies established within the Legion in North Africa in the 1920s. There have been three main mottoes within the Foreign Legion since its creation to summarize the general motivation of this exceptional unit. Chaque légionnaire est ton frère d’armes, quelle que soit sa nationalité, sa race ou sa religion. Consequently, the Legion contingent at the Bastille Day military parade march brings up the rear. “But in the meantime it can be said that every Legionnaire, be he in the jungles of Tonkin, or on the boiling sand of the desert, should his time come, will be prepared to face death, either with a smile or a curse on his lips according to his own temperament, just as his predecessors have done in The third and also the newest motto of the French Foreign Legion. France agreed, and the Belgian Legionnaires remained in French Algeria, the Legion's home, to the dismay of the rest of the Legionnaires. In 1873, the Foreign Regiment (Régiment étranger) obtained a grenade with flames as a new attribute. Le Béret vert. La musique de la Légion étrangère (La Musique principale until 1999). Today, the blue sash is part of the Foreign Legion Parade Dress Uniform. While the tune was composed prior to the Legion's departure for Mexico in the 1860s the words were probably adopted shortly after 1870 as many men from Alsace and Lorraine (regions which were back then recently lost to Germany) joined the Legion. Today, about 55 members of the Music travel and play around the world to promote the Foreign Legion. Legionnaires wore a kepi with a khaki-color cover in Algeria and Morocco before WWII. Fier de ton état de légionnaire, tu le montres dans ta tenue toujours élégante, ton comportement toujours digne mais modeste, ton casernement toujours net. Les boutons. La mission est sacrée, tu l’exécutes jusqu’au bout et si besoin, en opérations, au péril de ta vie. The Music of the Foreign Legion. And finally, the Foreign Legion is the only unit of the French Army leaded by a non-commissioned officer (from the Pioneer platoon) during Bastille Day Military Parade. In this ordinance, in Article 3, there is a sentence: “The buttons will be yellow and will carry the words Légion étrangère“. The buttons are very distinctive elements of the Legion. In 1962, the music band left the Foreign Legion headquarters based in Sidi bel Abbes, Algeria. Les épaulettes de tradition. The Legion is our Fatherland. "Le Boudin" (French pronunciation: ​[lə budɛ̃]), officially "Marche de la Légion Étrangère" (English "March of the Foreign Legion"), is the official march of the French Foreign Legion. Since the end of the First Indochina War (1946 – 1954) the Legion has ceased to use the motto. La ceinture bleue. The current thesis attributes the colors’ origins to the green uniform of Swiss legionnaires from the 2nd Foreign Legion (2e Légion étrangère, nicknamed as Swiss Legion, 1855-56). After 1862, it became rather a decorative attribute of troops from the French colonial Army of Africa. In 1882, the Foreign Legion officially obtained a blue sash. The green color of chevrons has been reserved for the Legion. La grenade à sept flammes. Initially, the motto was used by legionnaires within the 3e REI in the 1920s. The official symbol of the Foreign Legion. From the 1830s, colored sashes were worn by French soldiers under the clothes as a protection against intestinal disorders and to keep soldiers warm during the cold nights in Africa. Thank you for your interest! The colors of tradition of the French Foreign Legion are: green and red (Le vert et le rouge). Captain Danjou and his men had refused to surrender and were fighting until their ammunition ran out. Le boudin colloquially meant the gear (rolled up in a blanket) that used to be carried atop the backpacks of Legionnaires. It has 4,20 metres in length and 40 centimetres in width. Soldat d’élite, tu t’entraînes avec rigueur, tu entretiens ton arme comme ton bien le plus précieux, tu as le souci constant de ta forme physique. The French Foreign Legion was created by King Louis Philippe, in 1831 from the foreign regiments of the Kingdom of France. "Le Boudin" is sung while standing to attention or marching by all ranks of the French Foreign Legion. Legio Patria Nostra. As an typical attribute of the Legion, two flames are always directed downwards, in contrast with the rest of the French Army. "Le Boudin" is a reference to boudin, a type of blood sausage or black pudding. Devise de la Légion étrangère. Tony Geraghty tells the story of the legion, tracing their formation and outlining the principles of a legionnaire. The first long-used motto of the French Foreign Legion. Currently the most frequent motto in the Legion.

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